来源Under 20 and Full of Ideas? Drop Out of School

Clarium Capital President Peter Thiel and ’80s TV icon Mr. T certainly see the world differently. Whereas Mr. T would like to see you not be a fool and stay in school, Thiel is paying 20 young entrepreneurs to just lay it all on the line and invest in an idea instead.

Peter Thiel

克莱瑞姆资本管理公司(Clarium Capital)主席皮特·泰尔(Peter Thiel)和20世纪80年代的电视偶像T先生(Mr. T,劳伦斯·特劳德——译者注)肯定对这个世界有不同的看法。T先生更愿意认为你不会傻的都不愿意在学校里读书,而去做别的什么“乱七八糟”的事。泰尔则不这么看,他正准备给20名愿意冒险离开学校的年轻企业家们,提供为他们的创意进行投资的机会。

At Techcrunch’s Disrupt Conference in San Francisco on Sept. 27, Thiel announced a new initiative by the Founders Fund. The “20 under 20” program offers grants of up to $100,000 to 20 entrepreneurs under 20 years of age. Applications for the 2011 program are being accepted until the end of this year. 20 or under somethings can apply individually or in groups of four.

9月27日,Techcrunch公司在旧金山(San Francisco)召开的Disrupt Conference大会上,泰尔宣布了Founder Fund公司一项新的倡议——“20 Under 20”,该项目为20名年龄在20岁以下的企业家提供高达10美元的奖金。2011年该项目已经开始接受申请者的申请,截至日期为今年年底。20岁或以下的个人或由四人组成的小组都可以申请该项目。

Thiel didn’t tell the younger generation to drop out of school, but to instead to “stop out of school,” likely in an effort to avoid contradicting years of high school guidance counselor advice. He suggested that young entrepreneurs use the initiative to stop school temporarily in order to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams. While college may teach many important things, “I don’t think they learn anything much about entrepreneurship,” he said.


College is expensive. Why not get rich first, and then go to college, paying off Stanford in one lump check? Or even skate into college, get rich and drop out to become the one of the richest undergraduates on the planet? It worked for Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, who may never have gotten his Harvard degree, but can certainly afford to not give much of a damn in the first place.

Mark Zukerberg

上大学是很花钱的事。为什么不先变的富有然后上大学,再扔给斯坦福一张大支票呢?或者即使混进了大学,为什么不在学校内变富之后再退学使自己变成这个星球上最富有的肄业生之一呢?Facebook的马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zucherberg)就是这么做的,或许他永远拿不到哈佛的学位,但他肯定是能付得起,只是从一开始就不愿意为那个该死的什么学位支付学费。






