爱思想 | 时东陆:中国建筑与规划的误区-——都市人文尺度系列
选择字号: 大 中 小 本文共阅读 5 次 更新时间: 2012-04-22 17:35:15 时东陆:中国建筑与规划的误区-——都市人文尺度系列 进入专题 : 建筑 规划 都市 人文尺度 ● 时东陆 ( 进入专栏 ) Failures of Chinese Architecture and City Planning – On the Human – Scale of the Cities Donglu Shi Abstract: The Chinese cities have gone through drastic changes beyond recognition in recent 20 years. These changes have been seen as direct result of emulation and imitation of Western concepts in both architecture and city planning, particularly those major approaches that were once prevalent in the US but on the other hand severely criticized. Typically, the past two decades have seen waves of skyscrapers, huge shopping malls, gigantic public squares, densely distributed high ways, largely widened streets, rapidly increasing cars, many city parking lots, and road fences in all major Chinese cities. The current-day architecture and city planning in China are mainly based on the auto-scale design concepts, leading to severe traffic jams, pollution, and accidents.
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