
张鸣 | “女德”不如女权

2012年03月12日 08:10:09                                                       “女德”不如女权                                                                           张鸣 近来,民众的道德问题,越来越成为一个议题。小悦悦的死,让人揪心,当然也说明了社会道德的滑坡。但是,还没有人把女德,即女子道德单列出来,要求女子强化女德。但是,这个世界上的事,总得有人破例,广东中山有位颇有成就的女校长,就提出了这个问题。在她看来,现在道德的滑坡,女子嫌贫爱富,趋炎附势,也要负一份责任,要求加强女德教育,甚至可以成立女德讲师团,到处宣讲。 女子对自己人要求高,从古以来就有传统,编辑“女诫”的班昭,就说过,天下道德实际上系于女子一身。古人不让女人从政,不给她们政治权利,却认为道德的好坏,全靠女子。所以,古代对女子的道德要求非常严格,一方面三从四德,一方面树牌坊加以表彰,制造了无数的节烈女,让女子用自己血淋淋的牺牲,为男权社会支撑起道德的幻像。更不可思议的是,很多领域,明明女子没份,但男人把事儿弄砸了,却非要赖在女子头上。君主荒淫无道,却说是受了女子的诱惑,女色误国的论调,从夏商周一直唱到清末。 其实,多少年来,这个社会的道德也好,秩序也罢,基本上是男人主导的。即使在今天,女性的地位,看似很高,实际上资源掌控,权力掌握甚至就业方面,都是男人占优,而且女子连反抗的能力和欲望都不大。傍大款和傍大权的女子,就算道德堕落,也是男人主导的,主要责任,也该男人负。这些道理,其实人人都明白,但偏偏就是有人出来反着说。五四以来,作为“封建道德”的女德,已经被批得体无完肤了,但偏偏 21 实际的今天,还会有人提议大讲女德。讲什么呢?三从四德,还是女四书? 由此可见,随着这些年随着传统文化复兴而出现的沉渣泛起,还真是有点声势。但是,我劝那位女校长,还是收收吧,三八节,还是多为女子争点权益为好。在众多女子连自己的权利都不知道如何争取的时候,女权比女德更要紧。        



译者 菜鸭王 There’s been a lot of talk recently about rape culture.  For instance, we’ve got the NYPD catastrophe, DSK and Jamie Leigh Jones all circulating at the same time.  In each of these cases, the woman’s character and credibility are being called into question.  The problem is that women bare the burden of living in a society that expects men to act violently and to exert their power sexually.  Women are responsible to take “proper” precautions to avoid this “natural” danger.  Women cannot drink, because if they become intoxicated and are raped, no one will believe either that it happened at all or wasn’t consensual.  They better watch what they wear, because high heels and a skirt above the knee would certainly send a message to sexually violent men that rape is welcome.  Don’t be alone with a man, even if you’re simply cleaning his hotel room.  That’s clearly an invitation.  And for goodness sake, women should definitely not go into the military or work for a private defense company!  Simply being there is akin to accepting unwanted sex.  In fact, you sign a contract stating that you cannot go to court if a sexual assault happens.   最近有好多人在议论强奸文化。比如IMF前总裁卡恩(DSK)性侵门(译者注:【1】 迪亚洛在索菲特酒店套房为卡恩打扫房间时,卡恩对她说“你很漂亮”,随后不顾她的挣扎强行将她拖进卧室,整个过程中她一直在说:“请停下,我不想失去工作。”), Jamie Leigh Jones案件等 (译者注:【2】Jones女士2005年在伊拉克,当时7名美国哈利波顿公司(Halliburton)KBR分公司的员工给她下药,残酷的集体强奸了她。当时她受伤非常严重,惨不忍睹,隆胸填充物也出现破裂,胸部肌肉被撕裂。KBR的反应就是把她锁在了一个只有一张床的运输集装箱中,并拒绝给她食物,水和医药治疗。她恢复意识后搜集取得的证据也神秘的不翼而飞。)这些案子里,女性受害者的人格和信誉都被人质疑。问题是女性生活在一个要求她们准备好男人会施暴会强奸她们的社会。女性被“理所当然”要求小心一点来避免这些“自然存在的”威胁。女人不应该喝酒,因为如果喝醉后被强奸的话,没人相信你被强奸了或者你根本就是自愿的。女人最好不要随便穿衣服,因为高跟鞋和高过膝盖的短裙一定会暗示那些蠢蠢欲动的男人我可以被强奸。不要和男人独处,即使你只是在帮他清理房间,要不然就是你自找的。天啊,女人更不应该去当兵,或者在什么私人国防公司工作!你在那儿就说明你想有一夜情。事实上你已经签了“就算你被强奸了,也不能去诉诸法律”的协议!      It is embedded in our minds that women invite rape.  If a woman has the audacity to charge her rapist, she must prove that she did nothing to invoke it.  And in this day and age, that ain’t easy.  If you’ve got a sexual history, if you had a drink, if you got dressed up to go out, you might have just been looking for that rape.  And somehow, even though we “know” that men are dangerous, sexual predators, we seem to doubt that the individual man on the stand actually is.  So again, the finger is pointed at the woman.   女性欢迎被强奸的想法已经深入人心。如果你有胆子去告发性侵者,你必须证明你没有做任何一件可能挑逗到男人的事情。这年头,要证明这个,谈何容易。只要你有过性爱史,喝过酒,出门时打扮了一下,有可能你正想被强奸呢。很奇怪有的时候就算我们“知道”男人很危险,很饥渴,到了法庭上我们又会怀疑,男人真的是这样吗? 终究都是女人的错。 So what in the world do we do about the fact that women are in such danger, and have little legal recourse?  Stay inside?  Always be with a male protector?  Don’t have a career of our choosing?  Perhaps this is what it’s really all about.  If it’s too dangerous to have women out there on their own in the world, it would be better for everyone if we simply retreated back into the home, and gave up on the silly notion of equality or independence.  It seems that rape culture is just another patriarchal defense mechanism.  By victim blaming we create an environment where women’s choice to be out in the world, acting or behaving in a way that does not conform to or support the patriarchal order is given as the reason for their alleged misfortune.  The goal (conscious or not) is to shame and scare women into “proper” behavior.   冒着被性侵的危险却几乎没有法律援助的女人们到底该怎么办呢?呆在家里不出来?一直和保护自己的男人在一起?没有自己喜欢的工作?也许这才说到问题的关键所在。如果女人单独在外面太危险了的话,那么就应该蜷在家里,要什么狗屁独立平等,这样对大家更好。看来“强奸文化”不过是又一个父系霸权的守护者。现在有一种氛围说女人遭受不幸是因为她们选择不呆在家里,行为处事不按照或者违背父权准则的结果。有意无意想要让女人表现”好点“,要不然就等着担心受怕被羞辱吧。 Here’s some food for thought.  What would happen if a woman was in her home, baking cookies for her kids and an intruder came in and raped her.  What then?  I’m assuming public outrage and a conviction.  The reason?  The rapist was the one disrupting the patriarchal order.











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