
原作者: 来源 How will China's tech-savvy, post-90s generation shape the nation? 译者 哈哈张   * Tech-savvy youth of China have become an increasingly studied demographic 精通网络的中国年轻人逐渐走入人们的视线,成为各方研究的群体。     * Called post-90s generation with no memory of China's tumultuous recent past 被叫做90后的他们,记忆里并没有中国近代的改变与躁动。     * They are avid social media and internet users 他们热衷于媒体舆论,是积极的网民。     * Some social commentators have criticized post-90s generation as lazy and immoral 在一些社会评论员眼中,他们懒惰而缺乏道德。 In the virtual world they learn how to be leaders, to solve interpersonal conflicts. 在虚拟世界中,他们学习领导能力,解决人际关系矛盾。      Beijing, China (CNN) — Lazy, promiscuous, confused, selfish, brain damaged and overall hopeless are all labels that have been given to China’s so-called post-90s generation, or those who were born after 1990 who are now mostly in their teens today.
