唯色 | 王力雄<我无法对中国的未来不悲观>英译:On China's Future
王力雄文章 发表于《阳光时务周刊》总第041 期。我博客上有 转载 。 住在纽约的藏人学者和作家茨仁朗杰(Tsering Namgyal),将这篇文章翻译为英文,并做了相应的编辑,发表于 Asia Sentinel ,在此转发。 《经济学人》用这幅画描绘“中国梦”。 On China’s Future Written by Wang Lixiong WEDNESDAY, 17 APRIL 2013 Chinese writer on the impossibility of being optimistic Wang Lixiong is a Chinese writer and scholar best known for his political novel, China Tidal Wave, which was ranked 41st in the 100 Most Influential Chinese Novels of the 20th Century by Asia Weekly. It has gained widespread popularity in China and worldwide media attention while Wang is regarded as one of China’s most outspoken dissidents and reformers