译者 smallfat That’s what the makers of world’s most exotic and expensive sports cars are hoping as they gather in Macau this week for the first Asian edition of Monaco’s annual Top Marques show that began eight years ago. 下周首次祸祸澳门的亚洲版世界顶级奢侈品展览会即将召开,世界上最昂贵,最超凡的跑车制造商们都希望能在这次大会上大出风头。在这之前,奢侈品展览会在亚洲祸祸了八年。 The supercar companies are chasing growth in China, which is churning out scores of new millionaires each year and is home to the world’s biggest auto market. 超跑公司开始关注快速成长的中国市场,这里是全世界最大的汽车消费市场,每年都产生大量的百万富翁。 Ferraris and Lamborghinis sat alongside rare and beautiful automotive works of art from lesser known marques like Italy’s Pagani, West Richland, Wash.-based SSC and Sweden’s Koenigsegg. They drew admiring looks from wealthy auto enthusiasts from China and other Asian countries. 在展会上,除了法拉利和蓝博基尼之外还有一些普通青年不怎么知道的品牌,这些品牌号称汽车工业的艺术品,散发这文艺青年的气质,意大利的帕加尼,总部位于西丽晶的SSC以及瑞典的科尼赛格,这些超跑让中国以及亚洲这些有钱的汽车爱好者们看的如痴如醉。 Sales staff were hoping to sign deals with some of the 20,000 expected visitors