原文:http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cifamerica/2011/jun/03/ai-weiwei-montreal-museum 作者解释了为什么在蒙特利尔艺术博物馆展出的秦朝兵马俑和艾未未有联系,反驳了博物馆发言人的观点:政治和艺术(兵马俑)无关。 请帮忙翻译并邮寄到loveaiww@gmail.com。 It is now 61 days since the artist Ai Weiwei was taken into detention by the Chinese authorities. Since then, protests in his support have been held around the world, and figures such as Hillary Clinton and Angela Merkel have called for his release. Ai’s image was projected onto the wall of the Chinese consulate in New York. Hong Kong has been plastered in stickers. In Beijing, artists Lin Bing and Fei Xiaosheng were detained for having the temerity to include a blank wall, “attributed” to the absent Ai, as part of a group show. Though most of these gestures will have little visibility and less effect in China, international museums and galleries are, at least, being forced (somewhat reluctantly) to think about their relationship to wider political contexts