Beatles的Norwegian Wood(挪威的森林)
葉一知 中挪因劉曉波交惡,令我想起Beatles的Norwegian Wood。我是看完村上的《挪威的森林》,才找這首歌來聽,一聽便非常喜愛。這首歌的歌詞,就好像專為《挪威的森林》而寫,或反轉來說,村上是把歌詞化成一個很青春動人的故事。 不過,Beatles的歌所指的wood,解作森林的話,解不通,後來才知道,那是「挪威的木頭」。那是一種很便宜的松木,很多歐洲國家愛用這種木做家具。Beatles覺得沒理由將首歌叫作Cheap Pine,於是便將之名為Norwegian Wood。雖是錯譯,但因村上的名作,令故事更添傳奇,「森林」也令人有遼闊的遐想。 歌詞說,男主角邂逅了一個女仔,上到她的家,發現滿屋都是挪威木做的陳設。主角跟女孩一邊喝酒,一邊談到深宵兩點,滿心以為還有下文,怎知女孩說改天要上班,要睡了,男主角就說自己不用上班,爬去浴缸睡。 翌日,男主角醒來,屋裏只剩下他一人,「the bird had flown」(小鳥飛走了),怒從心上起,So I lit a fire (所以我點了一把火),心想:Isn’t it good Norwegian wood?(挪威木頭好燒嗎?) 中共就像那個男子,很想得到國際這個女孩垂青,卻不照照鏡子,自己明明是個宅男,即使多有錢,也只是躲在封閉國度自慰,女孩叫你改你怎樣也不改,只想以醜陋的姿態上人家。近幾年中共多做門面工夫。一心以為得米,怎知沒有下文,挪威還頒了個獎給劉曉波,撇下這個男孩子。或者,中共現在也想lit a fire, isn’t it good Norwegian wood。 Norwegian Wood歌詞 I once had a girl Or should I say she once had me She showed me her room Isn’t it good Norwegian wood? She asked me to stay And she told me to sit anywhere So I looked around And I noticed there wasn’t a chair I sat on the rug biding my time Drinking her wine We talked until two and then she said “It’s time for bed” She told me she worked In the morning and started to laugh I told her I didn’t And crawled off to sleep in the bath And when I awoke I was alone This bird had flown So I lit a fire Isn’t it good Norwegian wood?