

广东省委宣传部:对于广州市民梁树新参选人大代表的活动,本省所有媒体不得报道。 【“真理部”是网民对中国共产党中央委员会宣传部和其下属的各省宣传部,以及国家级的国务院新闻办公室,中央文明办,国家广播电影电视总局,出版总署,文化部等一系列言论出版审查机构的总称。】...



中宣部:鉴于最近国内外舆论形势复杂,各地方媒体包括子报子刊及所属新闻网站对美国驻华大使,副总统吃饭事件等相关报导要迅速降温,不发任何评论。 【“真理部”是网民对中国共产党中央委员会宣传部和其下属的各省宣传部,以及国家级的国务院新闻办公室,中央文明办,国家广播电影电视总局,出版总署,文化部等一系列言论出版审查机构的总称。】...



来源: http://chinadigitaltimes.net/space/Grass-Mud_Horse_Lexicon Introduction to the Grass-Mud Horse Lexicon A 爱国贼 “Patriotraitor”   (patriot + traitor) 爱未来   love the future B 被时代   era of passive tense 被代表,被自杀,被增长,被墙奸, 被XX   bei-represent, bei-suicide, bei-increased, bei-GFW, bei-XX 霸道部   Ministry of Bullying 不明真相   don’t understand the actual situation 布鸣真象 (见:真象) cloth chirp   elephant of truth   (see elephant of truth ) 不要乱说话   do not make irresponsible remarks 别有用心   ulterior motives 不差钱   no shortage of money 不折腾   free from turmoil C 草泥马   grass-mud horse 叉腰肌   iliopsoas 拆哪   demolish it CCAV   China Central Adult Video 纵做鬼,也幸福   Even the destruction is a blessing 初级阶段   primary stage (of socialism) 此贴必删 删前留名   This post to be deleted. Before it is deleted please leave your name. Chinternet   China + Internet 吃饱了没事干的外国人   foreigners who have eaten their fill and have nothing better to do D 都是你妈逼的   Your mother forced this on us 大清   The Empire of the Great Qing 帝都   imperial city 档中央   The Central Committee of the Communist Party 躲猫猫 (死)   hide-and-go seek (death) 低俗   vulgar 打酱油   getting soy sauce 党性大发   give free reign to one's “Party” nature 大裤衩   the big boxer shorts 钓鱼执法   entrapment 打疫苗   get immunized 地沟油   ditch oil 毒大米   poison rice 毒奶粉   poison milk powder 大中华局域网   The Great Chinese LAN (local area network) 蛋炒饭   egg fried rice 毒豺   poison jackal 戴避孕套不算强奸   it’s not rape if you wear a condom F 翻墙   to scale the wall 非法献花,非法吃喝,非法默哀,非法XX   illegal dedication of flowers, illegal eating and drinking, illegal silent tribute, illegal XX 俯��   push-ups 饭醉   rice-drunk 房奴   mortgage slave 粪青   fenqing, shit youth 斧头帮   axe gang 富二代   rich second generation 法律不是挡箭牌   the law is not a shield G 感谢国家   thanks to the country 贵国   expensive country 跪国   kneeling country 官府   local fiefdom 国宝   national treasure 国家罗汉   nation’s arhat / nation’s gangster 功夫网   kung fu net 广电总急   The radio, film and television administration is always anxious 光腚肿菊   bare bottom swollen anus 怪蜀黍   strange sorghum 灌狸猿   watered weasel ape 谷鸽   valley dove 骨哥   bone brother GFW   Great Firewall of China Great Fucking Wall: (See GFW) 官二代   generation of the officials’ children 郭美美baby   Babe Guo H 河蟹   river crab 和谐号   “harmony” high-speed train 猴蛇   monkey-snake 糊煮席   muddled cooked banquet 黑板狐   the blackboard fox 好五倍   a good five times better than 皇储   heir apparent 喝茶   drink tea 喝开水 (死)   death from drinking boiled water 很黄很暴力   very erotic, very violent 含泪劝告   tearfully urge 火星文   Mars script 换锅子没   have you changed to (using) a dish? 恨爹不成刚   despise one’s father for not being Li Gang 胡77   Hu 77 胡编   the fabricator 混球屎报   Muddled-Sh*t Times J 菊花文   chrysanthemum script 局域网 see:   The Great Chinese LAN (local area network) 见过大爷   have you seen grandfather 甲型H1N1流感   influenza A virus subtype H1N1 僵鱼   stiff fish 酱油委员   soy sauce committee members 脊梁奖   The Backbone Award 景德镇   The town of Jingde K 跨省追捕   captured across provincial lines 开胸验肺   thoracotomy 狂草泥马   crazy grass-mud horse 空椅子   empty chair 开房局长   the “room-opening” bureau chief L 绿坝娘   green dam girl 滤霸, 驴爸   filter tyrant, donkey father 绿爸爸   green father 蓝爸爸   blue father 裸体做官   naked official 临时性强奸, 临时性XX   temporary rape, temporary XX 淋巴县长   Mayor Lymph 了解祖国   understand the motherland 林貌杨音   Lin imitates Yang’s voice 鲤冈�   ridged carp-barbel 临时工   temporary workers M 马勒戈壁   Mahler Desert 目田   eye-field 敏感瓷   sensitive porcelain 某黑帮   a certain gang Ma de in china   “f**k” in China 没有强拆就没有新中国   Without forced demolitions there can be no new China. 茉莉花   jasmine 没希望工程   Project Hope-less N 纳米比亚   Namibia NC (见:脑残) (See: nao can) See:   brain-damaged 脑残   brain-damaged 你是哪个单位的?   Which work unit are you from? 你有孩子吗?   Do you have children?



山东省青岛市宣传部:根据领导意见,今天上午部队在汕头路9号进行强迁时,一转业干部泼汽油将自己点燃,各媒体均不得报道。 【“真理部”是网民对中国共产党中央委员会宣传部和其下属的各省宣传部,以及国家级的国务院新闻办公室,中央文明办,国家广播电影电视总局,出版总署,文化部等一系列言论出版审查机构的总称。】...



中宣部:媒体对王荔蕻一案不报道不炒作。 【数字时代真理部系列:“在这里,了解祖国” “真理部”是网民对中国共产党中央委员会宣传部和其下属的各省宣传部,以及国家级的国务院新闻办公室,中央文明办,国家广播电影电视总局,出版总署,文化部等一系列言论出版审查机构的总称。】...











CDT 新闻简报

