译者 Marian~

There are many forms of protest, many ways to express an objection to particular events, situations, policies, and even people.  Protests can also take many forms – from individual statements to mass demonstrations – both peaceful and violent. In the last 30 days, there have been numerous protests across the globe in many countries.  The following post is a collection of only some of those protests, but the images convey a gamut of emotions as citizens stand up for their political, economic, religious and lifestyle rights.  — Paula Nelson (51 photos total)

人们以多种形式的抗议和各种其他方式来表达对特定事件、局面、政策、甚至对人的反对与不满。抗议的形式体现在从个人声明到大规模集会——有和平的,也有暴力的。在过去的30天里,全球许多国家发生了为数众多的抗议活动。下面仅收集了部分抗议活动的图片,但这些图片传达了公民们为他们的政治、经济、宗教及生活方式等方面的权利挺身而出时的全方位的情感。——(Paula Nelson)(共51张照片)

As protesters sleep in Zuccotti Park, N.Y. police officers receive instructions. A group of activists calling themselves Occupy Wall Street targeted the Financial District for more than a week of demonstrations in late September. The group said they sought to bring attention to corporate malfeasance, social inequality, and the yawning gap in income between America’s rich and poor. (Eduardo Munoz/Reuters)

抗议者睡在纽约祖科蒂公园,而警员在接受指令。一群自称“占领华尔街”的激进分子以金融区为目标,在9月下旬进行为期一周多的示威。他们说,他们希望引起人们对企业不正当行为、社会不平等、美国贫富鸿沟的关注。(Eduardo Munoz/路透社)

2A protester shouts slogans from a police van during a protest in front of the Russian Election Committee building in Moscow on Sept. 26. Several demonstrators have denounced as undemocratic the announcement by President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to swap positions. The move would keep Putin in a position of power well into a second decade. (Sergey Ponomarev/Associated Press) #


3Police subdue a Bolivian from the Isiboro Secure indigenous territory after he and dozens of other protesters blocked an airport runway on Sept. 26. The demonstrators had been on a 370-mile protest march from Trinidad in the northern lowlands to the government seat in La Paz in an attempt to draw attention to the government’s plan to build a highway through their territory. President Evo Morales ordered police to stop the march. As police were herding the protesters onto a plane at Rurrenbaque airport to return them home, a large group broke away and blocked the runway with burning wood and tires. (David Mercado/Reuters) #

9月26日,数十名示威者聚集在飞机跑道上,警察制服了一名来伊斯博洛土著人保护地的玻利维亚人。示威者从北部低地特立尼达步行370英里向位于拉巴斯的政府所在地进发,试图引起人们对政府计划的注意,政府将修建一条穿越他们领地的公路。玻利维亚总统埃沃.莫拉莱斯命令警察阻止他们前进。在鲁雷纳瓦克机场,当警察强迫这些示威者上一架带他们回家的飞机时,一群人突出重围,用燃烧的木头和轮胎挡在跑道上来阻止飞机起飞。(David Mercado/路透社)

4An Indonesian, wearing a hat adorned with chili peppers and tomatoes, joins a demonstration denouncing rising prices and corruption outside the presidential palace in Jakarta on Sept. 26. About 500 protesters also demanded President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono step down. (Romeo Gacad/AFP/Getty Images) #

9月26日,在印度尼西亚首都雅加达总统府外,戴着挂满辣椒和西红柿草帽的示威民众表示对高物价和腐败强烈不满。还有大约500名示威者要求总统苏西洛·班邦·尤多约诺下台。(Romeo Gacad//法新社/盖蒂图片社)

5Contending that it’s time for Utah to strip away its “uptight” laws, people jog and walk in their underwear from the Gallivan Center to the Capitol in Salt Lake City. Undie Run coordinator Nate Porter says the goal of the event on Sept. 24 was to organize people frustrated by the conservative nature of state politics. (Djamila Grossman/The Salt Lake Tribune/Associated Press) #

犹他州摆脱保守刻板法律的时刻到了,人们只着内衣从加利文广场到或跑或走到盐湖城议会大厦进行抗议。内衣奔跑组织者内特.波特称,9月24日的抗议活动主旨在于,组织那些被州政治的保守性挫败的人们。(Djamila Grossman/盐湖论坛报/美联社)

6A man and his daughter skirt a protest in front of the Greek Parliament in Athens on Sept. 25. For Greeks, their summer of discontent may have changed seasons but the rallies and protests continue. The nation’s economy is buffeted by staggering debts, with the government unable to meet its obligations without help from the European Union and International Monetary Fund. To receive that help, the government must reduce its generous benefits for workers and retirees. In this protest, police used tear gas to disperse about 3,000 protesters who were denouncing the austerity measures. (Kostas Tsironis/Associated Press) #

9月25日,示威者聚集在位于雅典的希腊议会门前,一个男人和他的女儿正在绕行。希腊人的盛怒可能改变人们正常的生活秩序,但集会与抗议仍在继续。国民经济受巨额外债重创,如果没有来自欧盟和国际货币基金组织的救助,希腊则没有能力偿还债务。但接受救助的前提是,政府必须降低工人和退休人员的优厚福利。在这个抗议活动中,警察使用催泪瓦斯驱散约3000名对紧缩措施不满的抗议者。(Kostas Tsironis/美联社)

7Activists place banners at the Bank of Greece headquarters facade during a global day of action “against the dictatorship of markets” in Athens on Sept. 17. Eurozone nations decided to postpone until October a decision on whether to hand over the next piece of an emergency loan package to Greece, worth $11 billion. (Louisa Gouliamaki/AFP/Getty Images) #

9月17日,全球“反市场专制”行动日,激进分子在雅典的希腊银行总部墙体正面张贴标语。欧元区国家决定推迟到十月作出是否交与希腊第二笔价值110亿美元的紧急贷款的决定。(Louisa Gouliamaki//法新社/盖蒂图片社)

8Police officers clash with demonstrators outside Thessaloniki’s International Trade Fair during a protest against austerity measures on Sept. 10. Police fired dozens of tear-gas canisters during violent clashes in Greece’s second-largest city. The debt-laden Greek government has vowed to stay the course of austerity, sending a message to its increasingly frustrated lenders it will do everything it takes to avoid a bankruptcy that could further roil world markets. (Yannis Behrakis/Reuters) #

9月10日,第二大城市塞萨洛尼基国际贸易博览会场外,民众抗议紧缩措施,警察与示威者发生冲突。在激烈的冲突中警察使用了几十罐催泪瓦斯。负债累累的希腊政府发誓坚决执行紧缩措施,并给予越来越失去信心的债权人一个信号,他们将采取任何措施来避免使国际市场进一步恶化的破产。(Yannis Behrakis/路透社)

9A woman yells at riot police officers during a rally against pilgrimage of Hassidic Jews in the town of Uman, 125 miles south of Ukraine’s capital Kiev on Sept. 25. Some 30,000 Hasidic Jews from around the world were expected in Uman to mark the Jewish New Year, or Rosh Hashana, at the tomb of Rabbi Nachman, the great grandson of the founder of Hasidism. (Efrem Lukatsky/Associated Press) #

9月25日,在乌克兰首都基辅南125英里的乌曼镇,参加抗议哈西德派犹太人朝圣之旅集会的一名妇女朝防暴警察怒吼。预计大约3万名来自世界各地的哈西德派犹太人将在乌曼——哈西德教派创始人的曾孙墓前来纪念犹太新年。(Efrem Lukatsky/美联社)

10Members of Rome’s Sikh community protest proposals in several countries that could lead to the outlawing of the turban, an integral part of Sikh identity. The protest, on Sept. 25, was one of a string of similar demonstrations in European capitals. (Andreas Solaro/AFP/Getty Images) #

罗马的锡克族社区成员抗议一些国家的提案,它可能剥夺他们戴头巾的权利,而那是锡克人身份的组成部分。9月25日的抗议只是一连串发生在欧洲各国首都的抗议示威活动之一。(Andreas Solaro/法新社/盖蒂图片社)

11Syrian protesters continue to take to the streets in the face of a brutal crackdown by President Bashar Assad’s forces. Hundreds have died in the past months as protesters seek peaceful means to topple the government and usher in democratic reforms. In a protest in Palmyra, a demonstrator holds up a banner with the Arabic writing “Friday of International Protection, Palmyra city, September 9, 2011” during a nightime protest. (Georges Hinot/AFP/Getty Images) #

叙利亚抗议者,面对来自总统巴沙尔.阿萨德武装力量的残酷镇压,继续走上街头。在过去的几个月里,数百名抗议者在寻求和平手段推翻政府、引入民主改革机制的过程中被杀死。在巴尔米拉的一次夜间抗议活动中,一名示威者高举阿拉伯文标语“2011年9月9日,巴尔米拉城,国际保护的星期五”。(Georges Hinot/法新社/盖蒂图片社)

12Supporters of the slain former president Burhanuddin Rabbani chant slogans during a protest against the Taliban and Pakistan in Faizabad, Afghanistan, on Sept. 24. A Taliban suicide bomber assassinated Rabbani, who was seeking to engage the Taliban in reconciliation talks. Thousands of mourners buried Rabbani on Sept. 23 amid chaotic scenes that undercut calls from President Hamid Karzai to continue talks with elements of the Taliban. (Qais Usyan/AFP/Getty Images) #

9月24日,阿富汗费扎巴德,在反对塔利班和巴基斯坦的抗议活动中,被杀害的前总统布哈努丁.拉巴尼的支持者们在高喊口号。一起塔利班自杀式袭击杀害了正在寻求与塔利班进行和谈的拉巴尼。成千上万的悼念者于9月23日在一片混乱中埋葬了拉巴尼,拉巴尼之死削弱了总统哈迈德.卡尔扎伊继续与塔利班分子和谈呼吁的力量。(Qais Usyan/法新社/盖蒂图片社)

13An anti-government protester waves a Bahraini flag and chants during a peaceful march on Sept. 9 in Muqsha, Bahrain, west of the capital of Manama. The harsh crackdown on anti-government protests has failed to silence people’s demand for greater rights, a senior Shi’ite cleric in the Gulf kingdom said as thousands of opposition supporters rallied on the outskirts of the capital. Bahrain, a close ally of the United States and home of its fifth fleet, is a Sunni Muslim monarchy. Most of the population, however, is Shi’ite. (Hasan Jamali/Associated Press) #

9月9日,在巴林首都麦纳麦西部的穆克沙,一名反政府的抗议者挥舞着巴林国旗、唱着圣歌走在和平游行的队伍中。对反政府抗议的残酷镇压没有平息人们对更多权利的渴望,一名来自这个波斯湾王国的什叶派高级牧师说,成千上万的反对派支持者们在首都附近举行集会。巴林是美国的亲近盟友及它的第五舰队驻地,它是逊尼派穆斯林君主制国家。然而,大多数人口是什叶派。((Hasan Jamali/美联社)

14Members of the Palestinian community in Nicaragua take part in a protest outside the United Nations offices in Managua on Sept. 23. Hundreds of members of the Palestinian community in Managua joined worldwide efforts to demand recognition of the state of Palestine. Palestinian leaders asked the United Nations last week to recognize the state, a request the United States and Israel strenuously reject. Officials in those nations insist independence must only come about through negotiations. (Elmer Martinez/AFP/Getty Images) #

9月23日,尼加拉瓜的巴勒斯坦社区成员在联合国驻马那瓜办事处外举行抗议活动。许多马那瓜的巴勒斯坦社区成员与全球共同努力,要求承认巴勒斯坦国。上星期,巴勒斯坦领导人请求联合国承认该国的合法性,遭到了美国和以色列的极力反对。那些国家的官员们坚持,协商是赢得国家独立唯一手段。(Elmer Martinez/法新社/盖蒂图片社)

15Union laborers, demanding increased pensions and salaries, protest outside the Labor Ministry in Buenos Aires on Sept. 23. (Victor R. Caivano/Associated Press) #

9月23日,布宜诺斯艾利斯劳工部外,工会工人们要求增加养老金和工资。(Victor R. Caivano/美联社)

16An Egyptian police officer joins demonstrators in chanting slogans during a protest in Cairo on Sept. 23. Holding posters that read, in Arabic, “Islamic Egypt,” a group of Salafi Muslims protest emergency laws in front of the interior ministry. Salafis, who had not been politically active before the ouster of Hosni Mubarak as president, insist upon a government built upon Islamic laws. (Khalil Hamra/Associated Press) #


17A Moldovan Orthodox nun attends a protest outside the United Nations in Chisinau, Moldova, on Sept. 23. The Orthodox church in Moldova has strongly criticized the comments of Heiner Bielefeldt, the UN envoy for religious freedom. who declared the church has too much influence on Moldovan society. The Moldovan government recently recognized Islam as a religion and has made moves to help end discrimination against homosexuals, both of which the church has opposed. (John McConnico/Associated Press) #

9月23日,摩尔多瓦东正教的修女们参加在基希讷乌举行的抗议活动。摩尔多瓦东正教教堂对联合国宗教自由特使海纳.比勒费尔特的说法进行了强烈批评。他说,教堂过多地影响着摩尔多瓦社会。摩尔多瓦政府最近承认了伊斯兰教,并采取行动来帮助结束对同性恋的歧视,而这些都遭到了教堂的反对。(John McConnico/美联社)

18Demonstrators rally outside the UN headquarters in Manhattan against Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad before he is scheduled to speak at the General Assembly on Sept. 22. Former Homeland Security secretary Tom Ridge and former UN ambassador John Bolton were among the speakers at the event. Demonstrators hold pictures of dissidents, including Massoud Rajavi, president of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, and his wife, Maryam Rajavi. (John Minchillo/Associated Press) #

9月22日,示威者在曼哈顿联合国总部外集会,抗议伊朗总统马哈茂德·艾哈迈迪内贾德被安排在联合国大会讲话。前国土安全部部长汤姆.里奇和前驻联合国大使约翰.博尔顿也被安排发言。示威者们手持不同政见者的照片,其中包括穆萨德.拉贾维——伊朗抵抗国家委员会主席和他的妻子马里亚姆.拉贾维。(John Minchillo/美联社)

19A protester, her face painted with a call to free political prisoners, joins a rally near the Presidential Palace in Manila on Sept. 21 to call attention to the 39th anniversary of the imposition of martial law by the late strongman Ferdinand Marcos. Until the oppressive law was lifted, Marcos ruled another 20 years. (Bullit Marquez/Associated Press) #

9月21日,在马尼拉总统府附近的集会上,有一名脸上绘有呼吁释放政治犯字样的抗议者,他试图引起人们对已故铁碗人物斐迪南.马科斯强制实行军事管制39周年的关注。在压制性的法律被废除时,马科斯又统治了20年。(Bullit Marquez/美联社)

20Registered nurses strike outside of the Mills-Peninsula hospital in Burlingame, Calif., on Sept. 22. Tens of thousands of registered nurses held a one-day strike at more than 30 Sutter Health and Kaiser Permanente hospitals in northern and central California to protest proposed cuts to benefits and other concessions sought by hospital management. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images) #

9月22日,注册护士在加州伯林盖姆的米尔斯——半岛医院外举行罢工。来自加州北部和中部的30多所萨特健康中心和凯撒医疗机构的数以万计的注册护士,举行了为期一天的罢工,抗议医方管理层削减福利的提议和其他让步。(Justin Sullivan//盖蒂图片社)

21A Bangladeshi armored vehicle passes a motorcycle set afire by Jamaat-e-Islami activists during riots in Dhaka on Sept. 19. Bangladeshi police detained about 300 members of the activists, members of the nation’s largest religious party, after clashes injured about 150 across the country. The group had called for rallies to demand the release of their top leaders. (Munir Uz Zaman/AFP/Getty Images) #

9月19日,孟加拉军方装甲车驶过被伊斯兰大会党激进分子焚烧的摩托车。在遍及全国的冲突致使大约150人受伤后,孟加拉警察扣押了来自本国最大宗教党派的约300名激进分子。这个组织呼吁集会,要求释放他们的高层领导人。(Munir Uz Zaman法新社/盖蒂图片社)

22A boy holds a banner to protest in the village of Zupce near the town of Zubin Potok, Sept. 28, 2011. NATO peacekeepers in Kosovo brought in more troops to a contested border crossing in Kosovo’s ethnic Serb north, a day after a clash that left more than a dozen soldiers and civilians hurt. (Marko Djurica/Reuters) #

2011年9月28日,在祖宾波托克镇附近的村庄祖普克,一名小男孩手握条幅进行抗议。在一场致十几名士兵和平民受伤的冲突一天之后,驻科索沃北约维和部队在穿越科索沃塞尔维亚民族北部的争议边界增派兵力。(Marko Djurica/路透社)

23Supporters of Haiti’s former dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier hold portraits of former Haitian dictator Francois Duvalier, also known as “Papa Doc,” and his son Jean-Claude Duvalier, also known as “Baby Doc,” as they protest outside a hotel. The group interrupted a press conference by Amnesty International in downtown Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Sept. 22, 2011. Amnesty International was expected to reveal new testimony from victims of the dictatorship and their relatives. (Dieu Nalio Chery/Associated Press) #

前独裁者让.克洛德.杜瓦利埃的支持者们,在一家酒店外面手持绰号“Papa Doc”的弗朗索瓦及绰号“Baby Doc”的让.克洛德.杜瓦利埃父子的肖像举行抗议活动。这个组织搅乱了2011年9月22日在太子港市区由国际特赦组织举行的新闻发布会。国际特赦组织有望透露来自独裁政治的受害者及其家属的证言。(Dieu Nalio Chery/美联社)

24Susan Wilkens speaks into three microphones as she protests by blocking a downtown Seattle intersection, Sept. 21, 2011. Wilkens was among nine arrested after some protesters sat down on the street during a demonstration outside a nearby Chase bank. It was part of a day of action from groups around the state calling on lawmakers to end tax breaks for some corporations. (Elaine Thompson/Associated Press) #


25A Palestinian man protests against US interference in the Palestinian bid for statehood recognition at the United Nations, Sept. 21, 2011 at Jerusalem’s Damascus Gate. Palestinians want to become the 194th member of the United Nations despite US and Israeli opposition. (Marco Longari/AFP/Getty Images) #

2011年9月21日,一名巴勒斯坦人在耶路撒冷大马士门前抗议美国干涉他们要求联合国承认其合法地位的请求。尽管美国和以色利的反对,巴勒斯坦仍希望成为联合国第194个成员国。(Marco Longari/法新社/盖蒂图片社)

26Soldiers stand guard as Israeli settlers participate in a protest march against Palestinian statehood, Sept. 20, 2011 from the West Bank Jewish settlement of Itamar to the Palestinian town of Nablus, West Bank. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas wants full membership for a Palestinian state following his speech at the UN General Assembly in New York City. (Uriel Sinai/Getty Images) #

2011年9月20日,在士兵的保护下,以色列移民参加了反对巴勒斯坦国家地位的示威游行,游行路线从伊塔马尔的西岸犹太人定居点到巴勒斯坦的纳布卢斯镇。在纽约联合国大会发言之后,巴勒斯坦民族权力机构主席马哈茂德.阿巴斯希望成为联合国正式成员国。(Uriel Sinai/盖蒂图片社)

27Members of the Canadian Union for Public Employees (CUPE), representing flight attendants from Air Canada, protest labor disputes at the Toronto Pearson International Airport in Toronto, Sept. 20, 2011. The CUPE, which represents Air Canada’s 6,800 flight attendants, organized rallies at airports across Canada, some 14 hours ahead of a possible strike. (Mark Blinch/Reuters) #

2011年9月20日,来自加拿大公共雇员工会的成员,代表来自加拿大航空公司的乘务员,在多伦多皮尔森国际机场抗议劳动争议。在有可能发生的罢工的前14小时,加拿大公共雇员工会代表加拿大航空公司的6800乘务员,在加拿大各机场组织集会。(Mark Blinch/路透社)

28Brooms stand on the sand during a protest against corruption at Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sept. 19, 2011. The protest was organized by the Brazilian NGO ‘Rio de Paz’, whose members placed 594 brooms representing the number of Brazilian lawmakers. (Felipe Dana/Associated Press) #

2011年9月19日,抗议活动在里约热内卢科帕卡巴纳海滩进行,扫把站在沙滩上。这个抗议是由巴西非政府组织“和平里约热内卢”发起的,它的成员们将与巴西立法委员人数相同的扫把插在沙滩上。(Felipe Dana/美联社)

29Teachers take part in a demonstration against proposed budget cuts in public education in central Madrid September 7, 2011. (Juan Medina/Reuters) #


30An activist from the “All India Youth Federation” pulls motorcycles as several shout anti-government slogans during a protest against petrol price hikes in New Delhi, Sept. 16, 2011. India’s central bank raised interest rates by a quarter of a percentage point in its 12th hike since March last year to combat near double-digit inflation. State-owned energy firms hiked petrol prices by five percent to stem losses from high crude prices, leading to condemnation from opposition parties which called the move “inflationary. (Raveendran/AFP/Getty Images) #


31Turkish Muslims take part in an anti-Israeli protest, Sept. 15, 2011, before the Europa League Group E soccer match at Inonu stadium, in Istanbul. About 300 anti-Israel protesters gathered in central Istanbul as Turkish football team Besiktas took on Maccabi Tel Aviv in a Europa league match. (Armend Nimani/AFP/Getty Images) #

2011年9月15日,欧联杯E组足球赛将在伊斯坦布尔的伊诺努体育馆举行,土耳其穆斯林参加反以色列抗议活动。正当土耳其贝西克塔斯与特拉维夫马卡比队在欧联杯赛中交锋时,约300名反以色列抗议者聚集在伊斯坦布尔市中心。(Armend Nimani/法新社/盖蒂图片社)

32An animal rights activist sits inside a cage to protest against Spanish zoos in central Madrid, Sept. 15, 2011. The placard reads, “Zoos cause sufferings”. (Andrea Comas/Reuters) #

2011年9月15日,一名动物权益保护活跃分子坐在笼子里,表达对西班牙动物园的不满。标语牌上写着,“动物园带来痛苦”。(Andrea Comas/路透社)

33Carrying stones, people run away from clouds of tear gas during a protest against the UN mission in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Sept. 14, 2011. Protesters calling for the withdrawal of U.N. peacekeepers from Haiti clashed with police outside the earthquake-damaged Haitian National Palace. (Ramon Espinosa/Associated Press) #

2011年9月14日,手持石头的抗议者在躲避催泪瓦斯,他们反对联合国在海地首都太子港执行勤务。抗议者要求联合国维和人员撤离海地,并在遭受地震创伤的海地国家宫外面与警察发生冲突。(Ramon Espinosa/美联社)

34Villagers argue with police over the arrests of San Pedro Jocopilas during a protest where the villagers blocked the road leading to the village in the Quiche region, 170 km (106 miles) from Guatemala City, Sept. 14, 2011. The villagers are protesting against the fifth re-election of the Mayor of San Pedro Jocopilas Fredy Armando Lopez of the UNE-GANA political party. The villagers are claiming he cheated in the past elections. (Jorge Dan Lopez/Reuters) #

2011年9月14日,在圣佩德罗.霍科皮拉斯,抗议者因封锁了从该地通往距危地马拉城170公里的基切地区的村庄的道路,而遭到警察的逮捕,村民们和警察正就此事进行争论。UNE-GANA政党成员——圣佩德罗.霍科皮拉斯市长弗雷迪.阿曼多.洛佩兹第五次参加选举,村民们举行抗议活动。村民们称他在前几次的选举中作弊。(Jorge Dan Lopez/路透社)

35Israeli soldiers disperse demonstrators during a protest at an Israeli army checkpoint in the centre of the divided West Bank city of Hebron, Sept. 14, 2011. (Hazem Bader/AFP/Getty Images) #

2011年9月14日,在希伯伦被分割的约旦河西岸中心地带,一个以色列军事检查岗,以色列士兵在驱散示威者。(Hazem Bader/法新社/盖蒂图片社)

36Reporters Without Borders (RSF) secretary-general Jean-Francois Julliard and other activists are surrounded by riot policemen during a protest in front of the Ritz Hotel in Paris, Sept. 13, 2011. The activists were protesting against the visit of Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame. (Charles Platiau/Reuters) #


37Riot policemen guard a road connecting San Borja and Yucumo, in northeastern Bolivia, Sept. 12, 2011 to avoid possible clashes between natives marching against a road project through a nature preserve and others in favor of the construction. Hundreds of indigenous Bolivians from the country’s low-lying Amazon basin inlands were marching towards La Paz in protest of the road project. (Aizar Raldes/AFP/Getty Images) #

2011年9月12日,在玻利维亚东北部,防暴警察守卫通往圣伯加和尤库莫的道路,以避免因反对穿越自然保护区路政工程而游行示威的土著人与那些赞成道路建设的人之间发生冲突。数以百计的来自该国低洼地亚马逊盆地的土著玻利维亚人为抗议这项路政工程向拉巴斯行进。(Aizar Raldes//法新社/盖蒂图片社)

38A member of the right-wing English Defence League (EDL) scuffles with police officers after shouting at Islamist demonstrators leaving a protest outside the US embassy in London, Sept. 11, 2011. Around 50 people brandished anti-US banners, chanted slogans and burnt a small piece of paper with a picture of the US flag on it. (Carl Court/AFP/Getty Images) #

2011年9月11日,一名右翼英国防御联盟的成员,在大声怒斥正在离开伦敦美国大使馆外抗议活动的穆斯林示威者之后,与警察扭打在一起。大约50人挥舞着反美标语,高呼口号,并烧掉一张印有美国国旗图案的小纸。((Carl Court/法新社/盖蒂图片社)

39Conspiracy theorists protest outside St. Paul’s church during ceremonies marking the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, in New York Sept. 11, 2011. (Hugh Gentry/Reuters) #

2011年9月11日,世贸中心911攻击10周年纪念仪式在圣保罗大教堂举行,场外阴谋论者举行抗议活动(Hugh Gentry/路透社)。

40A protester takes part in a march in Tokyo Sept. 11, 2011, to mark exactly six-months since the March 11 quake and tsunami. Thousands of protesters gathered in central Tokyo to protest the government’s handling of the nuclear crisis and tsunami aftermath since the disaster. (Issei Kato/Reuters) #


41Animal-rights activists stage a protest Sept. 11, 2011 in the central Spanish town of Tordesillas two days before the “Toro de la Vega festival.” The festival is one of the oldest in Spain with roots dating back to the fifteenth century. The bull has to be enticed across the river from the village to the plain ‘Vega’ before it can be killed to honour the ‘Virgen de la Pena’. (Pedro Armestre/AFP/Getty Images) #

2011年9月11日,红牛德拉维加节前两天,动物权益保护积极分子在西班牙中心城市托德西拉斯举行抗议活动。这个节日是西班牙最古老的节日之一,可以追溯到十五世纪。在用公牛的血拜祭圣女德拉佩尼亚之前,诱使公牛穿过河流从村庄来平坦的“维加”。(Pedro Armestre/法新社/盖蒂图片社)

42People stand outside the house of Rom local patriach Kiril Rashkov, dubbed “King Kiro” that was set on fire dring a protest in the village of Katunitsa, some 160 km south-east of Sofia, Sept. 24, 2011. One person died and five were hurt as Bulgarian and Roma communities clashed in a southern village in the wake of a fatal road accident involving relatives of a Roma clan leader Rashkov. (Nikolay Doychinov/AFP/Getty Images) #

2011年9月24日,在索菲亚东南约160公里的村庄卡图尼察,抗议民众点燃了罗马天主教当地创造人绰号“基罗王”的基里尔.拉什科夫的住宅,人们站在房子外面观看。在一个南方村庄,由于一起与罗马宗教领导人拉什科夫的亲属与关的重大交通事故,保加利亚和罗马团体之间发生冲突,并导致一人死亡,五人受伤。(Nikolay Doychinov/法新社/盖蒂图片社)

43A woman watches Czech riot police from her window, Sept. 10, 2011 during an anti-Roma demonstration in the North Bohemian town of Varnsdorf. About 1,000 far-right protestors and local residents gathered in Vansdorf to protest against the Roma population and rising crime levels in north Bohemia after local Romas were accused of commiting two violent attacks on locals. (Michal Cizek/AFP/Getty Images) #


44People wear masks during the “Freiheit Statt Angst” (Freedom instead of Fear) protest calling for the protection of digital data privacy in Berlin, Sept. 10, 2011. The masks were handed out by the organizers who asked participants of the rally to wear them to symbolize what they were calling the individual’s right to remain anonymous on the internet. (Thomas Peter/Reuters) #

2011年9月10日,柏林,人们戴着面具参加“自由而不是恐惧”的抗议活动,要求保护数据资料隐私。面具由组织者分发,要求集会的参加者戴上他们,来象征他们要求的匿名上网的个人权利。(Thomas Peter/路透社)

45Egyptian Al Ahly soccer team “ultras” fans, who had clashed with policemen during a match two days ago, chant slogans against the interior ministry during a protest at Tahrir Square in Cairo, Egypt, Sept. 9, 2011. Thousands of Egyptians were demonstrating against the pace of reform under the country’s military rulers. (Khalil Hamra/Associated Press) #

2011年9月9日,两天前曾与警察在一场比赛中发生冲突的埃及阿赫利足球俱乐部“极端球迷”的球迷们,在埃及首都开罗的解放广场高喊口号,抗议内政部。数千名埃及人对国家军事管制下的改革步伐表示不满。(Khalil Hamra/美联社)

46A Palestinian protester protects himself from tear gas fired by Israeli security officers during clashes at a protest near a part of the controversial Israeli barrier in the West Bank village of Bilin near Ramallah, Sept. 9, 2011.(Mohamad Torokman/Reuters) #

2011年9月9日,在靠近拉姆安拉附近的约旦河西岸村庄比林一段有争议的界线上,巴勒斯坦人举行抗议活动,并与以色列保安人员发生冲突,保安人员喷射催泪瓦斯,抗议者进行自我保护。(Mohamad Torokman/路透社)

47San Francisco Police officers don helmets at the Powell Street BART and MUNI station following a protest, Sept. 8, 2011 in San Francisco. Police arrested about 25 people during the standoff at Bay Area Rapid Transit’s Powell Street station, during the evening commute. A group calling itself “No Justice, No BART” organized the protest to call attention to the fatal July 3 shooting of a 45-year-old man whom BART police said was wielding a knife. (Beck Diefenbach/San Francisco Chronicle/Associated Press) #

2011年9月8日,在旧金山鲍威尔街湾区捷运和市铁站,旧金山警察头戴钢盔关注着抗议活动。晚上通勤时段,警察与抗议者在湾区捷运的鲍威尔站形成僵局,警察逮捕了约25人。一个自称“没有公正,没有湾区捷运”的团体组织了这次抗议活动,旨在引起人们对7月3日一名45岁的男人被射杀案件的注意,据湾区捷运的警察说,他当时挥舞着一把刀。(Beck Diefenbach/旧金山纪事报/美联社)

48A student protests in front of a group of riot policemen during a march in Bogota, Sept. 7, 2011. Thousands of students and teachers marched in a nationwide protest against the government’s reform of public universities. (Jose Miguel Gomez/Reuters) #

2011年9月7日,在发生在哥伦比亚首都波哥大的示威游行中,一名学生在一排警察前面抗议。成千上万的学生和教师参加了全国范围的示威游行,反对政府关于公立大学的改革。(Jose Miguel Gomez/路透社)

49A refugee from Somalia with his temporary ID card for foreigners during a protest on the Federal Square outside the Swiss parliament building in Bern, Sept. 6, 2011. Several hundred protesters gathered to demonstrate for the official acceptance of their refugee status in Switzerland. (Pascal Lauener/Reuters) #

2011年9月6日,在伯尔尼瑞士议会大厦外的联邦广场上,一名参加抗议活动的索马里难民展示他的外国人临时身份证。在瑞士,几百名抗议者集会,抗议官方以难民身分接受他们。(Pascal Lauener/路透社)

50A Tea Party supporter holds a sign in protest against former Massachusetts governor and republican candidate for president Mitt Romney during a Tea Party Express rally, Sept. 4, 2011 in Concord, New Hampshire. Mitt Romney spoke to a crowd of about 200 Tea Party members during a Labor Day weekend rally. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images) #

2011年9月4日,在新罕布什尔康科德的茶党快车集会上,茶党支持者手持标语牌,以示对马萨诸塞前州长、共和党总统候选人米特.罗姆尼的不满。米特.罗姆尼曾在劳动节周末集会上,对约200名茶党成员讲话。(Justin Sullivan/盖蒂图片社)

51Camila Rivera, 11, joins postal workers in a national day of protest against plans to close thousands of post offices, eliminate Saturday delivery, close mail processing facilities, cut service, and lay off 120,000 employees, in Los Angeles, California, Sept. 27, 2011. (Lucy Nicholson/Reuters) #

2011年9月27日,在加州洛杉矶,11岁的卡米拉.里维与邮局工人一起参加抗议活动,抗议关闭成千上万的邮局,取消星期六递送,停止运营邮件处理设施,削减服务等的计划,它将导致12万失业。(Lucy Nicholson/路透社)

