译者 炫耀至极

IF NOBODY else, at least Kim Jong Il, North Korea’s leader, appears to have found something to fillhis belly with during the annual Chuseok harvest festival in North Koreathis week. “His face beaming with a smile,” as his propaganda machine put it,he dropped into a shop in Pyongyangselling pancakes stuffed with meat.




Outside the capital there are few such treats. Much of the rest ofthe country is suffering a severe food shortage, say aid agencies. On September9th the UN’s World Food Programme released video images from a trip to theNorth Korean countryside showing listless orphans, their growth stunted bymalnourishment. A cold start to the growing season and summer flooding hasbadly damaged rice and maize crops. Potato rations have been cut by a third, totwo a person each day.




Mr Kim’s regime, with customary cynicism, has told people to“simplify” their dining habits at Chuseok this year “in the socialist way,”according to DailyNK, a Seoul-based online news agency. Yet in his paralleluniverse, Mr Kim boasted of the variety of beef, pork, goose and turkeyavailable to the privileged customers of the pancake shop. How does he get awaywith it? Loosely, that is the question posed by North Korea-watchers trying tounderstand how an odious regime has remained stable for so long, defyingfrequent predictions of its downfall.




North Korea

should, by rights, be tottering under the weight of its spectaculareconomic mismanagement. It is in the midst of a shaky succession process, whichis hard for any totalitarian regime, let alone one where the chubbyheir-apparent, Mr Kim’s son, Kim Jong Un, is little known or loved. Thecountry’s food crisis has its roots in atrocious farm productivity, the highinternational price of grain, and an embargo on much food aid because of NorthKorean belligerence towards South  Korea in recent years. Although thepublic-distribution system for food has collapsed in much of the country, theregime has tried, albeit imperfectly, to stamp out informal markets, the onlysuccour for many.



North Korea

has an economic lifeline to China, but scholars who haveinterviewed North Korean refugees report contempt, tinged with envy, for theirgiant neighbour. The North was once able to use promises to scrap itsnuclear-weapon programmes as a means to extort hard currency from South Korea, Americaand Japan.No more.



The Kim family brand of extreme, race-based nationalism has supportin parts of the capital, Pyongyang,with its goose-stepping parades and bombastic high-rises. This, after all, iswhere the elites live, enjoying perks and protected by an overwhelming securityapparatus. Elsewhere in the country, the regime sees enemies. With totalitarianobsession, it groups North Koreans into 51 social categories, graded by loyaltyto the regime. Of those groups, 29 are considered to make up an underclass thatis hostile or at best ambivalent towards the regime. Most of these suspectslive not in Pyongyangor even in lesser cities, but in the countryside.




Some people brave harassment and shooting to cross the border into China to earn hard currency (many North Koreans,especially black-market traders, cross and recross into China). Somechildren in the North live ferally: they are known as


, or“fluttering swallows”, and roam in packs. When they cannot steal in themarkets, they eat dead dogs and rotten food (reportedly chewing toothpaste inthe belief that it prevents food poisoning). Many people, particularly women,live dangerously off the black markets, which have flourished again after anunsuccessful attempt to crack down on trade in hard currency. Most endurehunger at least some of the time. So why do they not revolt?





One intriguing explanation comes from Go Myong-hyun, a statisticianat the Asan Institute for Policy Studies, which has just held a conference in Seoul on the viability ofthe North Korean regime. On the basis of satellite imagery of crop areas,vegetation and human settlement, Mr Go believes that both North Korea’scrops and the population that tends them are more geographically scattered thanoutsiders have hitherto thought. He contests UN estimates that overthree-fifths of the country is urbanised. That would require every farmer tosustain nearly two city dwellers, which a shortage of fertiliser, farmmachinery and fuel precludes. Mr Go reckons that urbanisation could be as lowas 25%, based on data from the Global Rural Urban Mapping Project, a globalpopulation map. That would imply three farmers for each city dweller. Itsuggests that, even though much of the country is cut off from thefood-distribution system, rural dwellers survive precariously throughsubsistence farming.


     最近,韩国峨山政策研究所在首尔举行了一次主题为朝鲜政权存续能力的会议,一位统计学家Go Myong-hyun给出了一个有趣的解释。根据朝鲜作物种植区域、植被和人类居住区的卫星地图显示,他认为朝鲜的作物种植区和人口聚集区比外界认为的还要分散。他对联合国评估的朝鲜有五分之三的地区已经实现城市化这一观点提出了质疑。如果事实如联合国所估计的那样,那么在肥料、设备和燃料都如此匮乏的朝鲜,一个农民就需要养活两个城市人口。根据全球农村城市测绘项目(Global Rural Urban Mapping Project)测绘出的数据,GoMyong-hyun估计朝鲜的城市化程度只有25% 。也就是说,4个朝鲜人中,有3个是农民。这意味着,即使切断了粮食分配,农村居民仍然可以靠自给自足的农业种植勉强度日。


Transport—or rather the lack of it—may be another, unintended formof social control. North  Korea inherited railways from the formerJapanese colonialists that run predominantly up the west of the country. Thatis the more populated side: the food-distribution system works better therethan in the rural north and east. Ahn Byung-min, of the Seoul-based KoreaTransport Institute, has made 40-odd trips to monitor the distribution of SouthKorean food aid. His photographs show how decrepit the rail system is, withrotten railway ties, different track gauges and bridges that are stillpockmarked by bullets from the Korean war. Yet communication by road is evenharder, Mr Ahn says, which further isolates the rural areas. Some cars havecrank handles, or are powered by wood-burning stoves. He showed a photo of oneold truck stamped with a star for every 50,000km (31,250 miles) on the clock.The stars added up to 1m km.


     交通运输,或者说匮乏的交通运输,或许是另一种无意识的社会控制形式。朝鲜从当初的日本殖民者手中继承了他们留下来的铁路,它们中的大部分架设在这个国家的西部地区。这个地区人口较多,而且粮食分配体制比在北部和东部的农村地区运转的要好。韩国交通研究院的Ahn Byung-min曾经去过朝鲜40次,监管韩国对朝食品援助的分配工作。他的照片显示了朝鲜的铁路系统是多么陈旧,轨道上的枕木都已经腐烂,并且轨道距还不尽相同,桥梁上满是朝鲜战争时期的弹孔。公路运输更是艰难,Ahn Byung-min称这愈发导致了农村地区的孤立。一些汽车还需要手摇,或者要烧柴火才能运行。他同样展示了一张照片,上面有一辆破旧的卡车,每行驶5万公里,人们就在上面印一个五角星。现在,那辆车上的五角星已经密密麻麻了。


The tentative conclusion is that North Korea has not only managed tocut itself off from the world, but also created an internally isolatedunderclass, mostly in the east, that is left to fend for itself. Theunderclass’s isolation reduces the burden on the state—and the odds of itrising up in organised fashion to challenge the regime.



         1. 不管哪条路,都会走向孤立无援。

         2. 平壤郊外,粮食收获季节,大多数的农业种植仍然靠人工来完成,摄于2005年。

         3. 鸭绿江畔,朝鲜农民正在插秧,照片从中国一侧拍摄。

         4. 冰天雪地中,两个农民正光着脚,背着草料前行。

         5. 一位农民正驾着牛车行驶在去往朝鲜经济特区罗先的路上。

         6. 朝鲜开城,一位农民正在附近的山头放羊,开城距离韩国很近。

         7. 朝鲜领导人金正日正在检查蔬菜,地点不明。

         8. 图中,金日成与在田间劳作的农民亲切交谈。

         9. 营养不良的儿童,这些儿童的父母由于养不活他们而把他们送到了孤儿院。

