
全球声援艾未未签名留言(18) 翻译 #transaiww

翻译:@li2nd 校对:@vocui 时间:Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 2:25 PM 到 Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 10:12 PM ———- I am personally apalled, and will fight to the end to establish a worldwide coalition behind Minister Wu! 翻译:我個人感到非常震驚,並會为向吳部長争取艾未未释放所建立的这個全球聯盟戰鬥到底! 支持者: CCarroll Gunnigle 留言链接:http://www.change.org/petitions/call-for-the-release-of-ai-weiwei”?ue=dun#comment-618465″ ———- Please free Ai Weiwei. The whole world is watching. 翻译:請釋放艾未未。全世界都在关注著。 支持者: Susan McRae 留言链接:http://www.change.org/petitions/call-for-the-release-of-ai-weiwei”?ue=dun#comment-618467″ ———- Just another dictatorship afraid of the ideas of it’s own people. I’m so glad I live in the free world 翻译:又一個害怕自己民众独立思考的獨裁政權。我很高興我生活在自由世界。 支持者: Adam Nettles 留言链接:http://www.change.org/petitions/call-for-the-release-of-ai-weiwei”?ue=dun#comment-618484″ ———- Stop persecution! 翻译:停止迫害! 支持者: James Chu 留言链接:http://www.change.org/petitions/call-for-the-release-of-ai-weiwei”?ue=dun#comment-618495″ ———- China has a lot of gall releasing a human rights report that criticizes the US. The US has its problems, but you know what? Our citizens are allowed to read about it on the Internet.


全球声援艾未未签名留言(22) 翻译 #transaiww

翻译:@aliceyoung 校对:@kRiZcPEc 时间:Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 5:04 AM 到 Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 4:02 AM ———————————————- free Ai Weiwei 翻译:释放艾未未 支持者:Robert Flux 留言链接:http://www.change.org/petitions/call-for-the-release-of-ai-weiwei”?ue=dun#comment-625920 ———- To the Chinese Government, We are watching you! It is sad to see your reaction, when an artist’s views are more enlightened about civilization than his country’s governing people are ready to accept. Instead of welcoming his comments as insightful and working to better your society you have taken the archaic manner to silence him. Ai Wei Wei is an enlightened, sensitive man and free thinker who only cares for what is fair and just, free and honest. Let him free to go without charge, thereby without bringing further embarassment to yourselves. Sincerely, Susan Collacott 翻译:中国政府,我们正看着你!当一个艺术家对文明的观念比统治者所能接受的走得更前,你们的反应令人悲哀。你们非但没有视他的评论为有洞见的建言来接纳,并努力改善社会;还使用了过时的方法令他住口。艾未未是一个开明,敏感的人,一个只在乎公正,公义,自由和诚实的自由思想家。给他自由而不是指控他,这样就能免于给你们自己带来更进一步的窘迫。 支持者:Susan Collacott 留言链接:http://www.change.org/petitions/call-for-the-release-of-ai-weiwei”?ue=dun#comment-626040 ———- As long as Corporate America benefits from Chinese Labor and the growing market I do not expect much to come of this but I am hopeful. 翻译:只要美国财团继续得利于中国廉价的劳动力和发展中的市场,我不期望这会有多大效果,但我还是抱有希望。 支持者:Scott Day 留言链接:http://www.change.org/petitions/call-for-the-release-of-ai-weiwei”?ue=dun#comment-626042 ———- Please do not abuse your national treasures.



写给5.12三周年、艾未未的推文汇总 (更新时间:5.12 13:30) 1. @chen_yunfei: 今天5.12,我非常想念为之入狱的黄琦、谭作人,也想念艾婶 @aiww、冉匪 @ranyunfei。ID: 68516190670163968 2. @FifthDimen: 家宝当年曾流着泪向人民承诺,要调查“豆腐渣工程”,一定要追查相关的负责人,但三年过去了,调查的结果是,参与调查的人都进监狱了。 id=68282849089957888 3. @shenghanfr 有的人死了,可还活着,有的人活着,却已经死了。汶川地震3周年祭!死在豆腐渣工程底下的孩子们啊,有人为了查清楚你们作为一个人死去时的名字,已然失踪或入狱…id=68467807242813440 4. @liu_xiaoyuan 今天是汶川地震三周年日,在纪念这些在“天灾加人祸”中死去的同胞时,总让我想起调查遇难者名单的艾未未。如今他被带走已是第四十天了,可谁能告诉我,他人在何处呢?id=68434364681306112 5. @Likebook 三年了!孩子们,你们在天堂还好吗?余含泪和王做鬼仍然活着并发达着,谭作人被判了,艾未未被打伤又被抓了;你们家乡的政府买了豪华越野车了,用赈灾捐款。孩子们,来生不要托生在兲朝啊,切记,切记! id=68483986380435456 6


全球声援艾未未签名留言(15) 翻译 #transaiww

翻译:@figofeihuang 校对:(主要)@kRiZcPEc @ruanji 时间:Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 1:14 AM 到 Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 8:29 AM ———————————————- China must stop being the world’s prison. 翻译:中國必須停止成為世界的監獄。 支持者: Iñigo Alvarez 留言链接:http://www.change.org/petitions/call-for-the-release-of-ai-weiwei”?ue=dun#comment-617232″ ———————————————- for the freedon of human beens 翻译:为了人类的自由 支持者: Susana Nevado 留言链接:http://www.change.org/petitions/call-for-the-release-of-ai-weiwei”?ue=dun#comment-617238″ ———- I can’t believe that in XXI century, people need to fight for their rights. Rights mustn’t be given, rights must be chosen. long life for them 翻译:真不敢相信,在二十一世紀,人們还需要爭取自己的權利。权利不能由他人施予,权利要由自己(主动)选择的。权利万岁。 支持者: Enrique Garcia Gil 留言链接:http://www.change.org/petitions/call-for-the-release-of-ai-weiwei”?ue=dun#comment-617241″ ———- FREE! 翻译:自由! 支持者: Lina Geßner 留言链接:http://www.change.org/petitions/call-for-the-release-of-ai-weiwei”?ue=dun#comment-617248″ ———- Freiheit 翻译:自由! 支持者: Philipp Stein 留言链接:http://www.change.org/petitions/call-for-the-release-of-ai-weiwei”?ue=dun#comment-617322″ ———- let Ai Weiwei go free to live his life and make his marvelous art…let tibet go free! The planet, so tiny and vulnerable, needs softness, sweetness, compassion! Where is yours? Barbara Lampert, MD board certified in Psychiatry and Neurology 翻译:还艾未未自由,让他继续他的生活和他奇妙的艺术创作 … 还西藏自由!这个星球,如此的渺小和脆弱,它需要我们的温柔,贴心和怜悯!你的在哪里? 支持者: Barbara Lampert 医学博士(精神病学) 留言链接:http://www.change.org/petitions/call-for-the-release-of-ai-weiwei”?ue=dun#comment-617326″ ———- I wish he will be released very soon.


全球声援艾未未签名留言(7) 翻译 #transaiww

翻译:@lizechang 校对:@krizcpec @ruanji 时间:Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 4:45 AM 到 Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 11:47 AM ———————————————- As a non-famous artist, I feel compelled to add my voice,via this petition. If you consider yourself an artist,of any sort,you must act.Sign this petition,we can make a difference. 翻译:作为一名不算知名的艺术家,我觉得自己有为这次声援活动发声的责任。如果你自視为艺术家,不管是从事哪一领域,你都必须行动。簽署這份請願書,我们能够有所作为。 支持者: Charlene Hopkins 留言连接:http://www.change.org/petitions/call-for-the-release-of-ai-weiwei”?ue=dun#comment-604854″ —————————————————- Minister Mr. Cai Wu, With all respect, please release Ai Weiwei; creative pursuits are fundamental to a culture; even one as established as your own needs periodic new infusions of creativity, of artists synthesizing the current world around us into products citizens can understand and enjoy. Beauty too is critical for content citizens. Please release Ai Weiwei.
