
全球声援艾未未签名留言(6) 翻译 #transaiww

翻译:@zengxiaopo 校对:Gongdang 时间:Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 1:05 AM 到 Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 4:42 AM ——————– Audience Development Coordinator – Cambridge Galleries, Canada 翻译:观众发展协调员-剑桥画廊,加拿大 支持者:Katrina Jennifer Bedford 留言链接:http://www.change.org/petitions/call-for-the-release-of-ai-weiwei”?ue=dun#comment-604140″ ————————– Susan M. Marchese President-CEO/Founder The HARC Foundation 翻译:Susan M. Marchese HARC基金创始人、执行官 支持者:Susan M Marchese 留言链接:http://www.change.org/petitions/call-for-the-release-of-ai-weiwei”?ue=dun#comment-604143″ ————————– Imprisoning the artist Ai Weiwei is like imprisoning us all! He is an amazing man whose art will live on through many generations. LET HIM GO! 翻译:囚禁艺术家艾未未就如同监禁我们所有人!他是一个了不起的人,他的艺术将流芳万代 。让他走! 支持者:Arlene Gendelman 留言链接:http://www.change.org/petitions/call-for-the-release-of-ai-weiwei”?ue=dun#comment-604144″ —————————– I have a great love and admiration for China. Please do the right thing by releasing this man


全球声援艾未未签名留言(11) 翻译 #transaiww

翻译:Gongdang 校对:@zengxiaopo 时间:Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 12:21 AM 到 Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 6:06 PM ———————————————- This master is great and gives a lot of people work. Please, bring him back into the community. 翻译:这是一个伟大的艺术大师,给很多人创造了工作。请让他回到他的社区 支持者Ceciel Naalden http://www.change.org/petitions/call-for-the-release-of-ai-weiwei”?ue=dun#comment-610200″ ———————————————- How can they possibly imprisson an artist. Free him now!!! 翻译:他们怎么可以监禁艺术家?立即给他自由!!! 支持者 Dorian Bennett http://www.change.org/petitions/call-for-the-release-of-ai-weiwei”?ue=dun#comment-610211″ ———————————————- PLEASE RELEASE AI WEIWEI THIS INCREDIBLE ARTIST IS CHINA’S BEST FOR ART AND SOCIAL JUSTICE 翻译:请释放艾未未!这个令人难以置信的艺术家是中国最好的艺术家和社会良心 支持者 Cheryl Fedele http://www.change.org/petitions/call-for-the-release-of-ai-weiwei”?ue=dun#comment-610296″ ———————————————- Free Ai Weiwei!! Art has nothing to do with politics. Without Free art the world would turn GREY. 翻译:释放艾未未!艺术和政治无关。没有艺术自由,这个世界将变成灰色 支持者Thomas Price http://www.change.org/petitions/call-for-the-release-of-ai-weiwei”?ue=dun#comment-610322″ ———————————————- This artist is the future of China 翻译:这个艺术家是中国的未来 支持者 Plus Aziz http://www.change.org/petitions/call-for-the-release-of-ai-weiwei”?ue=dun#comment-610383″ ———————————————- As a UK artist I wish to be call for the release of Ai WeiWei and encourage international artists to remember that art is always political and is a potent tool.


全球声援艾未未签名留言(2) 翻译 #transaiww

翻译:刘艳萍@duyanpili 校对:吉软糖@ruanji ———————————————- To Chinese Government: It is thoroughly unacceptable to imprison an artist like Ai Weiwei. Part of an artist’s role in society is to widen our perspective, broaden and deepen our thinking. This is an enrichment process, not a criminal act. Please release Ai Weiwei at once.


全球声援艾未未签名留言(3) 翻译 #transaiww

翻译:Yi @fordream47 校对:吉软糖 @ruanji 留言时间: Date: Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 3:29 PM 到 Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 4:21 PM ———————————————- follow me on twitter @frodochina and understand why we should all come together to save our jobs,our future,our humanity and our world from evil Chinese Communist Party 翻译:来关注我的Twitter@frodochina,了解为什么我们都应该在邪恶的中国共产党统治下团结起来,拯救我们的工作,我们的未来,我们的人类和我们的世界。 支持者:Frodo China http://www.change.org/petitions/call-for-the-release-of-ai-weiwei”?ue=dun#comment-603456″ ———————————————- The American people as a whole very strongly disapprove of your severe limits on Chinese citizens who dare to disagree with your system of government. 翻译:对敢于向你的政府系统提出异议的中国公民进行如此严重的限制,全美国的公民都非常反对这样的行为。 支持者: Kathryn Terhune http://www.change.org/petitions/call-for-the-release-of-ai-weiwei”?ue=dun#comment-603459″ ———- Dear Mr Ciai Wu – I urge you to understand that Ai WeiWei is an asset to Chinese culture and society – not someone to be harassed and locked up. Please release him immediately 翻译:亲爱的武蔡先生,我希望你们能够了解,艾未未是中国文化和社会的财富 –不应该被骚扰和关押。请立即释放他。 支持者: margot http://www.change.org/petitions/call-for-the-release-of-ai-weiwei”?ue=dun#comment-603462″ ———- 我想看看中国人的伟大。请告诉世界你的信心,论治艾未未和所有的荣誉和尊严,是中国人。 I am looking to see the greatness of the Chinese people. Please show the world your confidence, by treating Ai Weiwei and all people, with the honor and dignity that is China.



今天,国际艺术家发起的 声援艾未未的请愿书 将超过13万签名者,同时有超过留言2600条。外国政府和媒体对艾未未的关注和对中国人权方面的批评已经大多见报。这里让我们看到一般不被媒体报道的一个个普通公民对艾未未的关注。这种关注来自世界各地,代表个人,而且基本上都署上真实姓名。在中国人普遍不能为艾未未发声的情况下,这些是非常难得的声音。 希望有人能够帮助翻译这些留言,以方便中国读者的阅读。志愿者请发送邮件到: loveaiww@gmail.com 吉软糖 全球声援艾未未签名留言选登(1-61): ———————————————- Very sad about this.. posted by Javier Enriquez ———————————————- As a professor of media studies who has studied Ai Weiwei’s work over the years with my students here in New York, I ask the leaders of the world to step it up –to keep talking with the Chinese authorities until Mr. Ai is free. posted by Dr.









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