原作者: 来源 Han Han signs up for New York Times column 译者 zyAndroid Han Han, a popular author and race car driver, intends to write a column for the New York Times, according to a prominent publisher. (Photo/CFP) 据一位知名出版人透露,身为畅销书作家和车手的韩寒,将为纽约时报撰写专栏。 Controversial writer and racing driver Han Han intends to write a column for the New York Times, said Shen Haobo, president of China’s largest private publisher, Beijing Motie Books, on Monday (March 21), according to a report from the state-run Global Times. 近期环球时报上的一篇报道称,据中国最大的民营出版集团磨铁图书总裁沈浩波3月21日透露,向来充满争议的作家和车手韩寒将在纽约时报开设英文专栏。 Han told Shen that arrangements between him and the New York Times have been basically confirmed. Han will write in Chinese and the newspaper will translate the articles into English.