As international global warming talks open in Bali, all eyes are on China (and the U.S. and India) to see how the country will respond to calls for greater controls of greenhouse gas emissions. From Bloomberg:
China and the U.S. each say they want the other to take on binding commitments to limit emissions in order to participate in a new accord. China’s officials says the country needs to expand its economy, while the Bush administration says it is concerned that emissions caps will harm economic competitiveness. Both nations will have to make concessions in a new deal, says U.K. Environment Minister Phil Woolas, a Bali participant.
“We need the world’s biggest economy, the U.S., on board,” Woolas says. “A new climate deal must include fair, effective contributions from developing economies such as China.” [Full text]
See also “China, India Urged to Curb Energy Use” from AP.