Jonathan Ansfield

Jonathan Ansfield reports for Newsweek magazine from Beijing, where he has lived for over eight years. His freelance work has also appeared in The Asian Wall Street Journal, Wallpaper, and The News York Times. From 2001 to 2004, he served as a general news correspondent for Reuters. His main area of interest is the Chinese media and its political and market roles in democratic change.

Self-Criticism For Sanlian -Sources

This ghostly cover drew a yellow card from the speech refs. Recently, the Central Publicity Department “yellow carded” Sanlian Lifeweek magazine (‰∏âËÅîÁîüÊ¥ªÂë®Âàä) for going too far with its October 30 cover story on the smashing of the Gang of Four, comrades in the magazine industry report. In the run-up to the sensitive anniversary, the propaganda-meisters […]

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The Price Of Publication

We’ve read much in the Chinese press about students who email-order theses and professors plagiarizing colleagues. We’ve also read a lot of stories about what companies pay for positive exposure. Cross those two problems and, presto, the pages of many scholarly journals in China today are, apparently, for sale. According to a probe last week […]

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A Plucky Freelancer & A Fine New Mag

Li Yuanyuan (李媛媛) is a young investigative reporter with Beijing Television, and she does some freelancing on the side. Since last week, a mentor and editor of hers reports, Li has been running scared. On the streets of...

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The Off-Message Government

When the government instituted an extensive new spokesperson system, in the wake of the SARS crisis, official media swooned. No one ever really expected a panacea of openness, of course. But people did expect ministerial spokespersons to forge more confusion than clarity. Some days, though, precisely the opposite has proven true. With ministry officials popping […]

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China Journo Day: Spoofs And Surveys

First, a little belated comic relief to mark China Journalists’ Day (Nov. 8). On the BBS Journalists’ Home, one blogging hack had some fun with ten old propaganda affiches, inventing new captions. “Don’t step on the high-tension wire!” reads the caption appended to the one pictured at right. “Ten Lessons on Journalists’ Day,” the post […]

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