Josh Rudolph

Josh Rudolph finished an MA in Asia Pacific Policy Studies at UBC's Institute of Asian Research in 2013. He currently lives in British Columbia.

Video Interview with Ezra Vogel

The Asia Pacific Memo has posted two short video clips of a three part interview with preeminent Asia scholar and former Harvard professor Ezra Vogel. Vogel recently released a lengthy and meticulously researched biography of...

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America's Incoherent Asia Policy

After last weekend’s APEC summit in Honolulu, the watching eye of the media has been firmly planted on US policy in the Asia Pacific. Recent statements by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of a renewal in US interest in...

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The Industry of Higher Education

American Public Media’s Marketplace recently broadcast a two-part series of reports about the process that Chinese students often go through in hopes of studying in the USA, and the different parties that stand to profit...

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