Natalie Ornell

Natalie Ornell is a Master's student in Asian Studies at UC Berkeley. She completed her undergraduate degree in East Asian Studies and English at Wellesley College. At Wellesley, she freelanced for an immigrant-focused newspaper in Boston's Chinatown, the Sampan, and also interned as a reporter at the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong. She currently serves as an Ambassador for the television program, LinkAsia, in San Francisco. You can read her blog on Asia-related events at UC Berkeley by visiting

China’s Forgotten Hindu Temples

The Hindu reports that there is a forgotten history behind Hindu temples in  Chedian Village, Quanzhou where residents pray before a “cross-legged” “four-armed goddess” with a “demon lying at her...

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We’ll Always Have Dumplings ….

Returning to Beijing after a few years away, NPR’s Anthony Kuhn reports that traditionally polite questions like “how are you” and “have you eaten” no longer fit the bill. Now his main question...

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Second Quarter GDP Slows to 7.5%

Early Monday, Xinhua reported that the GDP for the second quarter had slowed to 7.5%, as many economists had expected: CHINA'S Q2 GDP GROWTH EASES TO 7.5 PCT— Xinhua News Agency (@XHNews) July 15, 2013 Reuters earlier...

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