Sophie Beach

Sophie Beach is CDT's Operations and Communications Manager. From 2003-2021, she served as Executive Editor of CDT English. She lives in Berkeley, California.

Under pressure, Wal-Mart concedes right of Chinese workers to form unions

Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer, has conceded to Chinese government demands that it allow branches of the All China Federation of Trade Unions to operate in its China stores. The superstore recently announced plans to open ten new stores in China. The ACFTU, a Communist Party controlled organization, had threatened to sue Wal-Mart if it […]

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Curbs on views of academics in media

The Propaganda Department has issued an order banning reports about “public intellectuals,” a term used to describe intellectuals who are also involved in public affairs, according to the South China Morning Post, “A source said the Publicity Department, which supervises propaganda and ideological control, issued an order last week barring reports on the topic of […]

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Niu Niu, Sanlian Life Weekly cover girl

The Niu Niu “movie gate” scandal has been getting a lot of attention in the Chinese press, as Danwei points out, and she is on the cover of the new issue of Sanlian Life Weekly. China Daily has also reported on the scandal, here. UPDATE: LA Times had an article today on Niu Niu’s story, […]

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Secret China interviews Jiao Guobiao

Secret China has published a lengthy interview with Jiao Guobiao, author of Declaration of the Campaign against The Central Propaganda Department. ESWN has translated the interview here. Jiao, who is currently in the US, says: “I think that it is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak out, just as it is the responsibility of the […]

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Plug pulled on West China Channel

As the Chinese media is caught between market-oriented reforms and demands to provide government propaganda, some outlets are having a hard time defining themselves. CCTV has axed its news station which focused on the western regions of the country as part of the government’s development scheme and was the first CCTV subsidiary to operate as […]

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