Sophie Beach

Sophie Beach is CDT's Operations and Communications Manager. From 2003-2021, she served as Executive Editor of CDT English. She lives in Berkeley, California.

Authorities to scrap sponsor rule for NGOs

Rules governing the operation of non-governmental organizations in China may be relaxed soon, according to this report in the South China Morning Post (reg required): “Non-governmental organisations will eventually be able to register to work on the mainland without having to be sponsored by a government department, a Ministry of Civil Affairs official has predicted… […]

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An Investigation into China’s Peasantry computer virus

An Investigation into China’s Peasantry (中国农民调查), the banned book whose authors have been sued for libel, is apparently so popular that it is being used to spread a computer virus. Eswn posted news from Duowei News about a new virus being spread through instant messaging, which uses the following subject heading to get readers to […]

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China to conduct first nationwide survey on AIDS epidemic

AFP reported that the Chinese government plans to carry out the first ever nationwide survey on the sale of blood and HIV/Aids: “The Ministry of Health issued an order Wednesday requesting provinces and cities throughout China carry out a comprehensive search to ‘fully grasp’ who sold blood and test them for the HIV virus. ‘Not […]

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My old China – Profile of village photographer

Jonathan Watts profiles 76-year-old village photographer Li Tianbing, who got his first camera when he was 12 by selling his mother’s cow in their isolated, mountainous village. “Ever since, Li has been making a unique record of peasant life in one of the poorest parts of the world. Li estimates he has carried his Thorton-Packard […]

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