Sophie Beach

Sophie Beach is CDT's Operations and Communications Manager. From 2003-2021, she served as Executive Editor of CDT English. She lives in Berkeley, California.

China – What price reform?

The Economist has offered a more sobering look at what the transfer of power to Hu means – or doesn’t mean – for democracy in China: “For all the speculation about Mr Hu’s reformist tendencies, there is little to suggest that his strategy for reforming the party differs much from Mr Jiang’s. It is likely […]

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Vocal journalist arrested

Journalist Zhao Yan, who has also been an outspoken advocate for peasants, was arrested in Shanghai, according to a report in the South China Morning Post (sub required): “[Zhao’s] associates found it difficult to pinpoint the exact reason for his detention – ‘He has written so many articles that have upset the authorities,’ one said […]

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Chinese officials invited to take part in G-7 meeting

According to an AP report: “Underlining China’s growing importance to the global economy, senior finance officials from Beijing for the first time will participate in part of the discussions by the Group of Seven major industrial nations, a U.S. Treasury official said Wednesday… Asked if the talks with the Chinese are a first step toward […]

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On a Bridge of Sighs, the Suicidal Meet a Staying Hand

The NY Times has an article about Chen Si, who voluntarily works to prevent suicides from a bridge in Nanjing: “For hours on this recent Sunday morning, Mr. Chen watched and waited for that unknowable, unthinkable moment when one of the thousands of people who cross the bridge every day might try to jump off. […]

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The Trial Of The Century For Peasant Rights

Eswn has compiled several news articles about the libel trial against the authors of the ground-breaking Investigation into China’s Peasantry (中国农民调查)。 Notable among these are two translated articles from Yazhou Zhoukan (Asia Weekly), including an interview with the defense lawyer, which are at the bottom of the post. Eswn also links to his earlier translations […]

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