Sophie Beach

Sophie Beach is CDT's Operations and Communications Manager. From 2003-2021, she served as Executive Editor of CDT English. She lives in Berkeley, California.

Tiananmen Mothers released (AP)

Xinhua News Agency said today that the three “Tiananmen Mothers” were “released by police after being admonished and showing repentance,” the Associated Press reported. The full report is here.

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Pres. Chen says W. Post distorted interview

Following an interview with President Chen Shui-bian in yesterday’s Washington Post, the president now says he was misquoted on his stance about relations with the mainland. The dispute is over the first paragraph of the Post article, which says: “President Chen Shui-bian declared Monday that his narrow re-election victory was a mandate from voters to […]

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China’s ‘BMW killer’ case upheld

In a follow-up to the “BMW case”, which spurred widespread online protests in China, a lenient sentence was upheld for a woman who killed a peasant with her car, the BBC reported today. The full report is here. We’ll see how Internet users in China react to this news.

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Southern Metropolis News editors arrested

In a further update to the story below, Southern Metropolis News (Nanfang Dushi Bao) editor Cheng Yizhong was arrested on March 19, and is being investigated on corruption charges. This appears to be another attempt to silence one of China’s most independent and outspoken newspapers. For more information on this case, see CPJ’s news alert […]

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