Zhaohua Li

Zhaohua Li is an American-born independent journalist based in Beijing. He has written on Asia for the Christian Science Monitor, the San Francisco Chronicle and Frommer's guidebooks, among other publications. He is currently also a Blakemore-Freeman fellow in Chinese language studies at Tsinghua University. His interests in China run from the energy and the environment to media and pop culture.

West Says China Ruling To Help Fight Against Fakes – Jason Subler

Reuters reports on a new ruling by the Supreme People’s court that makes clearer the phrase “unfair business” practices: [Legal analysts] said the judicial interpretation, which went into effect on Thursday, would add teeth to China’s Law Against Unfair Competition because it will be easier for courts to hear cases now that the definitions of […]

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Cleaning up China: Opportunities Beckon for U.S. Businesses – CAP

Denis McDonough and Peter Ogden at the Center for American Progress write an op-ed on CAP’s website calling on the US government and companies to jump on China’s booming clean energy market: China’s interest in clean energy presents an enormous business opportunity as well as an environmental one. Unfortunately, it is an opportunity that the […]

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Lakes? Who needs lakes?

First it was global warming, now it’s factory pollution. Three weeks after Xinhua reported that the country’s largest lake, Qinghai Hu, could evaporate from rising temperatures within two centuries, the central news agency has come out with a new report saying Dongting Lake (Ê¥ûÂ∫≠Êπñ), China’s second largest, is at serious risk of “environmental decay.” The […]

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The great trash debate – various

The revelation by a minister in the UK earlier this week that the volume of Britain’s trash shipments to China have increased nearly 160-fold in the last decade prompted calls from the Liberal Democrats for the country to take care of more of its own recycling. Now it seems China it also looking into the […]

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China to air only “inspiring” shows – various

From the Star Online: The Chinese government will allow only shows it deems “inspiring” to be aired domestically, beginning in February. “The country’s TV stations should only screen ethically inspiring TV series during primetime,” an executive from the State Administration of Radio Film and Television said. “This year will be a special year for all […]

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