Zhaohua Li

Zhaohua Li is an American-born independent journalist based in Beijing. He has written on Asia for the Christian Science Monitor, the San Francisco Chronicle and Frommer's guidebooks, among other publications. He is currently also a Blakemore-Freeman fellow in Chinese language studies at Tsinghua University. His interests in China run from the energy and the environment to media and pop culture.

Hunting ‘will help protection’ – Zhu Zhe (China Daily)

Last month, angry Internet protest shut down plans for China’s first auction of hunting license quotas on suspicion the auction was money-making venture by the State Forestry Administration that didn’t take into account ecological protection. Having heard from the public, the SFA is now planning to go ahead with the auction, arguing that an increase […]

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The city that is Britain’s dustbin – Hazel Parry and Simon Parry

A new wrinkle in the “China as Global Trash Receptacle” story from UK’s Daily Mail: “This is one of the most polluted towns in China – everyone who has come here says the same,” complains migrant worker Li Lengen, cradling his 18-month-old daughter as he sits beside a fly-blown pile of imported rubbish that represents […]

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Tiger-Skin Market in Tibet Flourishing – Gavin Rabinowitz

From AP via Casper Star Tribune: Environmentalists accused India and China in a stinging indictment Wednesday of doing almost nothing to stem the rapid decline of tigers in the wild, saying the big cats will likely vanish completely within a few years without government intervention. Trade in poached Indian tigers is flourishing across the border […]

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China Uneasy with Growing Foreign NGOs – Sunny Lee

From Korea’s OhMyNews via Worldpress.org: China is becoming increasingly wary of the growing presence of foreign NGOs in the nation and warned against a “potential national threat” that may be posed by them. The “Study Times” (Â≠¶‰π†Êó∂Êä•), the official newspaper of the Central Party School of China’s Communist Party, recently ran a signed article by […]

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Heavy polluters move to inland – Shanghai Daily

State-run media continues its assault on polluters, picking up on the China Water Pollution Map story, via China Environmental News Digest: While China’s booming coastal cities are stepping up efforts to protect the environment, its inland provinces are producing more and more industrial waste. “Even though China’s coastal provinces are still the major source of […]

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