Zhaohua Li

Zhaohua Li is an American-born independent journalist based in Beijing. He has written on Asia for the Christian Science Monitor, the San Francisco Chronicle and Frommer's guidebooks, among other publications. He is currently also a Blakemore-Freeman fellow in Chinese language studies at Tsinghua University. His interests in China run from the energy and the environment to media and pop culture.

Bad air taints Hong Kong’s business reputation – James Pomfret

Reuters runs a lengthy feature on how air pollution has become a cost consideration in one of the holy cities of global capitalism: Andy Ridehalgh, a British expatriate who has worked as an English teacher for three years in Hong Kong, has had enough of the city’s air pollution. He’ll move with his wife and […]

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An end to “welfare” heating in northern cities – state media

An report from Xinhua via People’s Daily Online says a plan to stop providing free heat to residents in northern Chinese cities go into effect this winter: The core of the reform, initiated by the Ministry of Construction, lets employers off the hook for their workers’ heating charges. Requiring individual users to pay is expected […]

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China 2004 pollution clean-up cost put at $136bln – Ben Blanchard

Revived talk of Green GDP with a Reuters story on a new report from the State Environmental Protection Agency: It would cost China about $136 billion, close to 7 percent of GDP, to clean up all the pollution pumped out in the country just in 2004, the national environmental protection watchdog said on Thursday. A […]

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Toward sustainable urbanisation in China – Jiang Gaoming

A detailed new essay from China Dialogue on sustainable urban development in China from a Chinese Academy of Sciences professor who also helps lead UNESCO’s China-MAB (Man and the biosphere) program: This urban explosion is linked to an unfortunate quest for large, foreign-style cities. Cities, plazas, roads, houses – the bigger and more foreign they […]

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