Zhaohua Li

Zhaohua Li is an American-born independent journalist based in Beijing. He has written on Asia for the Christian Science Monitor, the San Francisco Chronicle and Frommer's guidebooks, among other publications. He is currently also a Blakemore-Freeman fellow in Chinese language studies at Tsinghua University. His interests in China run from the energy and the environment to media and pop culture.

Consumption and consumerism in China – Maryann Bird

Recently posted on China Dialogue, an extensive briefing on Chinese consumption and consumer culture: While countries around the world are benefiting from low-cost Chinese manufacturing, China is also providing – through both production and imports — a new world of consumer goods and services for its own people, who increasingly have the money with which […]

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Cashing in on China’s renewable energy boom – Alison Leung

From Reuters: China is set to spend $200 billion on renewable energy over the next 15 years, and industry players are racing to grab a slice of the action. That kind of money would buy you an oil firm the size of Chevron (CVX.N: Quote, Profile, Research) and leave change to fund the current renewables […]

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Swim marks cleaner Pearl River – Xinhua

Via Shanghai Daily: OVER 3,500 people who swam across the Pearl River, the third longest in China, have so far shown no symptoms of vomit or fever, local sources said. They plunged into the river in the southern city of Guangzhou on Wednesday afternoon to show to the public that the once-polluted river is clean […]

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Half China’s chemical plants pose grave risk – Tom Miller

From the Guardian: Nearly half of China’s chemical plants pose “a severe environmental risk”, according to a report released yesterday by the country’s environmental protection agency. The State Environment Protection Administration investigated 7,555 chemical factories nationwide and found that 81% were located either on bodies of water or near densely populated areas. Nearly 300 chemical […]

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Great Firewall Filtering Revealed – Andrew Lih

From Lih’s blog (links from the original): Researchers at the University of Cambridge have done some analysis on how the PRC’s Great Firewall (GFW) handles the “blocking” or interruption of web page loading midstream when it detects sensitive keywords related to the day after June 3 and certain religious groups. What they discovered is quite […]

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