science plagiarism

Rampant Fraud Threat to China’s Brisk Ascent

The New York Times reports on recent cases on academic and scientific fraud that have been the focus of scrutiny in China: China devotes significant resources to building a world-class education system and pioneering research in...

The Dire State of Chinese Science

The Atlantic Wire has a round-up of recent articles about various issues and problems in the scientific field in China: Despite a strongly pro-science official stance, the state of science in China is not good. That, at least,...

Lies, Damn Lies and Chinese Science

In The Humanist, Sam Geall looks at recent cases of academic or scientific fraud in China, and the “science cops,” such as Fang Zhouzi and Fang Xuanchang, who are trying to keep the facts in check. The article...

China Scientists Lead World in Research Growth

From the Financial Times: China has experienced the strongest growth in scientific research over the past three decades of any country, according to figures compiled for the Financial Times, and the pace shows no sign of...

Publish or Perish in China

The journal Nature has an article about academic pressures and misconduct in China. Only the first paragraph is available without subscription on the Nature website: The latest in a string of high-profile academic fraud cases in...

A scientific renaissance in China? – Dennis Overbye

From The International Herald Tribune: Every summer, hundreds of Chinese- American scientists, so-called overseas Chinese, leave their posts in the United States and elsewhere to return to help out, lured by lucrative salaries, prestige and the chance to “help China.” Despite all the hype, most researchers say, their best students are so far staying in […]

China’s Universities Struggle With Academic Plagiarism – Benjamin Robertson

From VOA: China has invested billions of dollars in recent years to create world-class universities, but there are fears the effort is being undermined by a series of high-profile academic scandals. In April, a department dean at Tongji Universitywas demoted for falsifying his resume. Just one month before, the assistant dean of prestigious Tsinghua Universitymedical […]

Research fraud rampant in China – Robert Marquand

From the Christian Science Monitor (link): For scientists and researchers in China, the Chen case, while embarrassing, is all too typical. Other fraud cases are coming to light that reveal a deeply ingrained habit of plagiarism, falsification, and corruption – widely recognized, but not widely policed or punished in Chinese universities. The stunning revelation of […]



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