Currently in China, hundreds of thousands of websites are blocked by the Great Firewall (GFW). To provide a picture of what is blocked, CDT is launching a user-generated social bookmarking project, via, to categorize and provide links to banned sites. This project is a work in progress and will be refined and improved as we go. The results are not comprehensive but merely a sample of what sorts of sites are routinely blocked; some of these sites may have been made accessible again since they were first reported. So far, over 600 links have been reported and categorized, primarily by Internet users inside China. Categories, in both Chinese and English, include: News, personal websites, religion, technology, non-profit organizations, circumvention tools, video and image sharing, etc.
We welcome your participation in this project. If you know of a link that has been blocked by the Great Firewall, please tag it on with GFWlist or send us an email (
Below is the current tag cloud for this project: