Li Zhuang

Bo Xilai Trial May, May Not Start Monday

The South China Morning Post has poured lukewarm water on earlier reports, originating in state media, that the trial of fallen Chongqing Party Chief Bo Xilai will begin on Monday. When asked by reporters, a spokesman for...

Reflections on Chongqing

Among the stories being revisited in Chongqing following Bo Xilai’s fall from power is that of Beijing lawyer Li Zhuang, imprisoned after his own clients were coerced into falsely accusing him. At Economic Observer, Li...

Torture and Betrayal in Bo’s Chongqing

As Chongqing cleans up after its deposed former Party chief Bo Xilai, a series of articles at Caixin describes the notorious case of Beijing lawyer Li Zhuang. Li went to Chongqing to defend alleged mobster Gong Gangmo during...

Righting Wrongs in Chongqing

With former municipal party chief Bo Xilai awaiting trial, his erstwhile right hand man Wang Lijun already sentenced, and rising star Sun Zhengcai now in place as Bo’s successor, Chongqing is quietly cleaning itself up....

Wang Lijun Sentenced to 15 Years

Xinhua reports that former Chongqing police chief Wang Lijun has been sentenced to fifteen years in prison “for bending the law for selfish ends, defection, abuse of power and bribe-taking”. Wang, the former vice...

Lawyer Li Zhuang Released From Prison

Following the release of Li Zhuang from prison in Chongqing, where he was accused of fabricating evidence to defend a client, Global Voices Online translates excerpts from a Sina blogpost by his own defence lawyer, Chen Youxi:...

One Year Labour Reform for Mocking Party Leader on Weibo

A Chongqing man has received a one year labour reform sentence for mocking party leader Bo Xilai in a microblog post, in which he referred to Bo as “Mr Erection”. From Oiwan Lam at Global Voices Advocacy: Mr erected...

Prosecutors in China Drop Charges Against Lawyer

Charges against lawyer Li Zhuang, who was accused of falsifying evidence while defending a gangster in the Chongqing corruption crackdown have been dropped. From the New York Times: Li Zhuang, 50, a criminal lawyer from Beijing,...

Children of the Revolution

The Sydney Morning Herald reports on the political dynamics behind the complicated case of lawyer Li Zhuang, who was recently sentenced to one and a half years in prison for allegedly fabricating evidence in the Chongqing...

Lawyer in China Mob Trial Gets 1 1/2 Years on Appeal

Lawyer Li Zhuang has had his sentence reduced to one and a half years on appeal. From AP: The lawyer for an alleged mob boss in southwest China was given a reduced 1 1/2-year prison term Tuesday during his appeal on charges that...

Caixin (财新网): The Li Zhuang Case

Caixin, Hu Shuli’s new publication, has produced an English-language page compiling information about the trial of lawyer Li Zhuang. From one article on the site: Li Zhuang, known as the lawyer formerly representing an...



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