A young man in Guangdong Province, Qi Yeqiang, purportedly died in detention after suffocating on his quilt while sleeping. It is one in a string of strange detention deaths in past years that include “death by nightmare,” “death by drinking hot water,” “death by playing hide-and-seek.” From Global Times:
Qi Yeqiang, 22, had been held in the detention house since April 26, said his sister Qi Yueming, for allegedly adding water to diesel oil at the factory where he was employed. He had been held without being formally accused of any crime.
[…] A preliminary examination by health care professionals suggested that Qi Yeqiang had suffocated.
The local authorities reportedly transferred the body to the Forensic Medicine Evaluation Center at Sun yet-sen University for the an autopsy, and the center told the Global Times that they will reach their conclusions within 30 working days.
Qi’s sister told the Global Times that a police officer who accompanied Qi to the hospital thought that he had been accidentally suffocated by a quilt. But she said that no one in his family believed that.