From The China Post:
Flooded with mounting complaints of corruption and official abuses, China’s top judge and prosecutor promised Wednesday to improve professional standards in the country’s courts and listen more closely to the public.
The judicial system is “trying its best to raise the quality of trials so as to reduce repeated complaints” from the same person about the same case, said the report by Xiao Yang, president of the Supreme People’s Court. He called on Chinese court officials to handle complaints more swiftly, while protecting petitioners from retaliation in cases where judges themselves are the target of grievances.
Courts nationwide handled more than 4 million complaints from the general public last year, while the number filed with the Supreme Court jumped 24 percent to 147,665, he said. Xiao didn’t detail those complaints, but many involve the seizure of land by local officials, unpaid wages, embezzlement of public money and other abuses.