The Shanghaiist translates some netizen responses to the hotly contested Iranian election:
As always, the curiosity of democracy evoked a strong reaction within the Chinese netizen community, especially when it seems to have failed. And after scouring the web for what was being said, it looks like a pretty huge proportion are in agreement that not only is Iran flawed, democracy is as well.
Is it a case of 50 cent armies jumping on the chance to influence public debate, or really the thoughts of the bulk of the Chinese net-surfing peoples? You decide:
Several from criticized the Iranian government for letting something that seemed like a sham election – and its fallout – happen in the first place:
看到宋先生博客里面“民主”人士的嘴脸更让我坚定了这个信念:中国人是需要管的.” “After reading Mr. Song’s Blog about ‘Democratic political people,’ I am more sure than ever, Chinese people should be supervised and controlled.”
“胡扯霸道 现在他们就在抗议游行这次大选不公.”
“Nonsense (that Iran is democratic). They (Iranian citizens) are protesting because of the unfairness of the election.”