Beijing Officials Trained in Social Media: Report

AFP reports that Beijing cadres are going to receive training in how to use microblogs, navigate BBS forums, and read blogs: The city’s Communist Party school is offering the training to “bureau-level leading...

The Power of Social Networking

An article in China International Business looks at the importance of social networking sites, including BBS forums, for companies looking to advertise to the Internet generation: In China especially, a company’s digital...

Hu Yong: BBS Sites on China’s Changing Web

China Media Project translates a piece by Hu Yong about the past and future of BBS forums in China, which ran in the Southern Metropolis Daily: Despite the above-mentioned differentiation, reports from the China Internet Network...

Chinese Netizen Reactions to Iranian Election

The Shanghaiist translates some netizen responses to the hotly contested Iranian election: As always, the curiosity of democracy evoked a strong reaction within the Chinese netizen community, especially when it seems to have...

City Managers Along the River During Qing Ming Festival

A tweaked version of the painting “Along the River During Qing Ming Festival” has become the latest hot Internet hit. From Longhu Net, via Duowei: “Along the River During Qing Ming Festival” is one of...

CCTV Investigates Peasant Girl’s BBS Forum Post

In early September, CCTV reported on a bitter BBS post by a peasant girl working in Shanghai.  On Saturday the state news channel tracked down and interviewed Little Yang, who wrote the post titled ‘Late 70s...

chinaSMACK: translating the most outrageous of Chinese BBS

Jeremy Goldkorn at Danwei published an interview with the founder and contributors of chinaSMACK.  china SMACK offers a look at “Hot internet stories, pictures, & videos in China.  What’s popular, scandalous, or...

Michael Anti and the End of the Golden Age of Blogs in China – Ethan Zuckerman

Ethan Zuckerman summarizes Michael Anti’s thoughts about the state of blogging in China today: He offers two reasons why blogs have social impacts: – Because you’re having an election, which means that public opinion matters, and blogs become a political mobilization tool – Because NGOs embrace them and use them to lobby for social change. […]

Net Growth Challenges China – Evan Osnos

From The Chicago Tribune, via RedOrbit: The Country’s Internet Community Expands, but the Boundaries of Where It Can Go Are Hazy at Best One week, one Web, two very different outcomes. An angry Chinese father posted his tale of a vacation gone wrong and triggered an Internet uproar that ended last week when the government […]

China: Touchy topics – John Kennedy

On Global Voices, John Kennedy writes about what is being written about – and being blocked – on BBSes: BBS forums used to be the venue of choice to make oneself seen and heard in the Chinese blogsphere, until blogs came along and most of the biggest and best BBS names took their reputations and […]

On the BBS: luxurious government buildings – Lyn Jeffery

From The Virtual China Blog: “Have you ever seen such a fancy government building? Seeing the broad, stylish square in front of the Tai’An Municipal Government [in Shandong province], who would still dare to say that we Chinese are poor?!” An example of what’s driving the Chinese economy: massive real estate projects intended to project […]

48th shutdown of dissident writers’ online chat forum – Elaine Wu

From the South China Morning Post, via Asia Media: A mainland online discussion forum called “Democracy and Freedom” has been shut down by the central authorities for the 48th time since it was founded in 2001 by a group of dissident writers. Independent news website Boxun reported yesterday that the latest Publicity Department shutdown came […]

Internet controls tightened further – SCMP

From the South China Morning Post, via Asia Media: Supervision of internet blogs will be tightened, the State Council has announced, while one of the mainland’s most popular liberal chat-room forums has been told to tone down comments on sensitive topics in further signs of increased control of the internet. Chat room website published […]

Chinese BBStars appeal to commercial trend – Sam Flemming

From China Daily: Last November, Chinese ‘net stars like the Backdorm Boys (ÂêéËàçÁî∑Áîü)were getting picked up by companies like Motorola to be spokespersons. picked up JuHua Jie Jie (ËèäËä±ÂßêÂßêÔºâthe William Hung for China) for a series of TVC’s earlier this year. You can see the video that made her a star here and two […]

Mob rule on China’s Internet: The keyboard as weapon – Howard W. French

From the New York Times (link): It began with an impassioned, 5,000-word letter on one of China’s most popular Internet bulletin boards, from a husband denouncing a student he suspected of carrying on an affair with his wife. Immediately, hundreds joined in the attack. “Let’s use our keyboard and mouse in our hands as weapons,” […]



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