Patricia Kim

Don’t Politicize Olympics, Official Says – China Daily

Amid criticism from foreign media and politicians from around the globe on China’s human rights record ranging from its relations with Sudan to recent anti-abortion protests in the countryside, a Chinese official has called for a stop to the politicization of the upcoming Olympics. From the People’s Daily Online: Politicizing next summer’s Beijing Olympics not […]

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Greenspan Sounds China Alarm – Jason Webb

From Former US Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said today he feared a “dramatic contraction” in Chinese stocks but the global economy might be able to shrug off a drop in asset prices. Speaking at a meeting in Madrid via teleconference, Mr Greenspan said the recent boom in Chinese stocks could not last. [Full […]

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Chinese Government Decides to Subsidize All Rural Poor – Xinhua

From People’s Daily Online: China’s State Council, or the cabinet, on Wednesday held an executive meeting on expanding a rural subsistence allowances system that will satisfy the rural poor’s minimum requirements for living. The meeting, chaired by Premier Wen Jiabao, decided to cover all needy people in rural areas across the country under the allowance […]

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U.S., China Reach Minor Agreements – Foster Klug

From The Associated Press: The United States and China concluded two days of high-level economic talks on Wednesday with a variety of minor agreements but failed to make progress in their dispute over China’s undervalued currency. “While we have much more work to do, we have tangible results for our efforts thus far,” Treasury Secretary […]

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