Patricia Kim

Blocked by U.S., China Finds Its Own Way to Space – Jim Yardley

From The International Herald Tribune: For years, China has chafed at efforts by the United States to exclude it from full membership in the world’s elite space club. So, lately, China seems to have hit on a solution: create a new club. Beijing is trying to position itself as a space benefactor to the developing […]

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28 Arrested in China for Birth Quota Rights – Joseph Kahn

Joseph Kahn writes in the International Herald Tribune that a strict two-month-long reinforcement of population control in the Guangxi Autonomous Region has led to rioting, arrests, and alleged deaths of villagers enraged with forced abortions and heavy fines: The police in southwestern China arrested 28 people for instigating riots over family planning controls last weekend, […]

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Hailstorm Leaves 10,000 Homeless in China

From Times of India: Thousands of villagers in east china’s Fujian province were rendered homeless after golf ball-sized hail punched the roof of their houses. In Shenghuang township of Minqing county, one of the worst hit areas, the roofs of 7,800 rooms were destroyed by hail affecting 10,000 residents from 4,000 households. The storm caused […]

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