economic stimulus plan

CDT 2024 Year-End Roundup: Quotes of the Year (Part 2)

As 2024 draws to a close, CDT editors are compiling a series of the most notable content (Chinese) from across the Chinese internet over the past year. Topics include this year’s most outstanding quotes, reports, podcasts and...

China’s Premier Promises Job Creation Efforts

As China’s economic growth dropped to a three-year low of 7.6%, Premier Wen Jiabao promised on Tuesday to launch new plans to prop up the job market. From Joe McDonald at the Associated Press: Premier Wen Jiabao said Tuesday...

Possible Stimulus of an Unknown Size

A recent slowdown in manufacturing prompts the Chinese government to consider policy action. The Economist ponders the government’s next macroeconomic move. While the government promised to inject more money, the precise...

CDT Money: Waiting For The Bottom

The People’s Bank of China announced a 50 bps cut in the reserve requirement ratio (RRR) for commercial lenders on Saturday as it stepped up efforts to boost growth amid signs of a weakening economy. The second such cut...

China Feels After-Effects of Economic Stimulus

At the Los Angeles Times, David Pierson examines the hangover from China’s efforts to combat the 2008 financial crisis, beginning in a gleaming but deserted shopping mall in Beijing: “It gets better on...

Xu Xiaonian: China is Drinking from Tainted Economic Waters

Global Times interviews Xu Xiaonian, a professor at China Europe International Business School: NE: Year-on-year GDP rose by 11.9 percent in the first quarter of 2010. Some believe that China has entered the fast track of...

Ezra Klein: Problems Ahead for China’s Banks?

On the Washington Post blog, Ezra Klein interviews Patrick Chovanec, associate professor at Tsinghua University’s School of Economics and Management: EK: Let’s talk about China’s stimulus. A lot of people know that...

Economy the Focus as China Political Session Ends

AP reports on the closing sessions of the NPC’s annual meeting in Beijing: The world’s third-largest economy may have escaped the worst of the global financial crisis by ordering $1.4 trillion in bank lending and...

Financial Times: Moral Hazard, Chinese Style

From an editorial in the Financial Times: The world has watched in awe as China has sailed, seemingly without effort, through the worst global financial crisis in decades. In 2009, the economy barely paused for breath, racking...

Robert Scheer: Don’t Blame China

On Truthdig (via The Nation), Robert Scheer argues that those blaming China for the global financial woes are off-base: Citigroup led the way into the massive marketing of toxic collateralized debt obligations that has brought...

China To Deliver Promised Stimulus By End Of 2010

From Reuters: The Chinese government will deliver on its commitment to spend 1.18 trillion yuan ($173 billion) before the end of 2010, the core of the country’s stimulus package, a deputy finance minister said on Thursday....

China Sees Huge Rise in Garlic Prices

A look at the meteoric rise in the price of garlic — the best-performing asset class of this year — from Robert Cookson and Patti Waldmeir for the Washington Post Foreign Service: Wholesale garlic prices in Beijing...

China Data Show Economic Rebound Picking Up Steam

From the New York Times: Industrial output and retail sales for October both topped analysts’ expectations, with jumps of 16.1 percent and 16.2 percent, respectively, from a year earlier. The increases also were higher than in...

China’s Empty City

Al Jazeera looks at the impact of China’s economic stimulus spending: China’s economy is continuing to grow despite the global recession, helped by a massive government stimulus package of $585bn. But doubts remain...

China’s Economy: Not Yet Mission Accomplished

From Time: Since the global financial crisis hit last year, Chinese officials have been firm about the need to maintain about 8% economic growth to ensure stability. Before the last office door swung shut at Lehman Brothers in...

A Year Later, China’s Stimulus Package Bears Fruit

The New York Times reports on the success of China’s stimulus funding, achieved by leaders who are, “unfettered by public opinion, partisan squabbling or parliamentary opposition”: The stimulus package,...

Beijing Risks Passing on a Poisoned Chalice

The Financial Times looks at the recent economic stimulus plan and political cycles in China: In China the government’s power over the economic cycle is taken as a given. Of greater interest for the chattering classes in Beijing...



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