Search Results for: hong kong media

So Much For China’s “Great Healer”

From Yahoo! News: “When he entered office two years ago, Chinese President Hu Jintao quickly raised expectations among people looking for kinder, gentler policies from Beijing. During the SARS (news – web sites) epidemic in early 2003, Hu seemed to give China’s state-owned media more room to report honestly on the country’s health problems. At […]

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Spokesmen still silent as press get greater access

Despite recent promises that government offices would be made more accessible to the media, the South China Morning Post has found that in practice it is still as difficult as ever to talk to officials in China. After calling a list of spokespeople provided to media by the State Council Information Office, almost none of […]

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China replaces liberal news editors

From China National News: “A spate of editorial resignations and replacements at outspoken newspapers in China appears to be a sign of tightening media controls, Hong Kong reports say. Li Xueqian, editor-in-chief of the China Youth Daily, known for reporting official corruption, was asked to resign early this month, the South China Morning Post reported […]

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Editor’s sacking prompts senior advisers to resign

From the South China Morning Post, via Asia Media: “Five of the six members of the advisory board for the influential liberal magazine Tong Zhou Gong Jin , including former Guangdong party boss Ren Zhongyi, have resigned in protest at the sacking of its editor-in-chief, Xiao Weibin, sources say. The other four to have quit […]

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China Hurries to Animate Its Film Industry

New York Times ran a story on China’s booming animation film industry. China is far from alone among fast-developing nations eager to pursue a piece of the lucrative animated film business by marrying their mastery of advanced computer technology with low labor costs.

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The ‘blog’ revolution sweeps across China

Here is the link to my article on Chinese bloggers in the New Scientist. In the current Chinese cyberspace, bloggers may not be as loud as their American counterparts. But they are potentially certainly no less subversive to the...

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Propaganda vs. profit

Jonathan Watts wrote about the latest media reform move: ” China opens up one of its last closed markets as newspapers multiply — piquing the interest of media tycoons like Rupert Murdoch. ” “The founders of the Beijing Youth Daily would not have believed it, but their paper — the mouthpiece of the Communist youth […]

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South Korea papers on hacker’s acttack.

Called it a cyberwar between the two states maybe an overstatement. But this editorial on the Korea Herald is making a serious point for their country’s computer network security. “In its initial investigation, the...

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Chinese Wikipedia

PC World reported the Chinese wikipedia story today. An informal group of Chinese volunteers has been working on this project since May 2001. According to Hong Kong Scholar Andrew Lih, the Chinese language Wikipedia ( is still relatively small, with just over 6,500 articles, and ranks as the 12th largest just behind Esperanto and Italian […]

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