28 foreigners given residency status in Beijing

On Xinhua’s news site Chinaview,cn, this news item today is about “foreign citizens received their Chinese “green cards” Tuesday from Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau (BMPSB) to become the earliest birds benefiting from China’s green-card policy launched on August 15.”

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Challenges of sourcing in China – report

“A new report suggests that while the benefits of sourcing in China outweigh the additional logistics costs, western companies must still be prepared to deal with significant procurement and sourcing issues if they are to prosper. Manufacturing has accounted for 60 per cent of China’s GDP growth over the past decade. The low cost of […]

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With Transition, New Uncertainty for China’s Authoritarian System

Philip Pan has written a good analysis of the leadership change in Beijing in today’s Washington Post: “Jiang’s departure might prompt new demands for political liberalization from a society that already enjoys the fruits of economic freedom. The banned Falun Gong spiritual movement, crushed by Jiang, might try to test his successors with a comeback, […]

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Study Finds City Dwellers in Poor Health

AP reported the Xinhua’s story that most city dwellers in poor health, with the educated most at risk “Up to 75 percent of all urban Chinese suffer from ill health, and life expectancies are declining for skilled and educated workers as modern lifestyles exact a deadly toll, according to a study by the Chinese Red […]

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China’s changing farms damaging soil and water

From New Scientists, September 2004: “China’s economic revolution is coming at a cost. While improved prosperity and government incentives convinced millions of people to give up the rural life and move into towns and cities, China’s agriculture is in rapid decline, prompting fears that the country that is home to one-fifth of the world’s population […]

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China Pulls Up the Drawbridge

New York Times had an article on the “Wild Wild East,” the world of avant-garde Beijing architecture. “Many of the projects were commissioned for the 2008 Olympic Games, for which Beijing originally planned to spend a staggering $37 billion — more than three times what Athens paid — as it remade the city and its […]

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China diary: Return to Beijing

Former BBC Beijing correspondent Tim Luard is back in China, 25 years after his first visit, to write a series of articles for BBC News Online on how much the country has changed. He is also writing a diary during his trip. Click here to read his fifth instalment. And his other four dairy articles […]

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Social Transformation Brings Chinese to Western-Style Talk Therapy

Confucian values such as keeping problems to oneself and venerating one’s ancestors are being challenged by a new trend in China that is sending more people to the therapist’s couch to solve their problems. In an article* Friday, the LA Times wrote that drug manufacturer Pfizer has reported a 100 percent increase in Prozac sales […]

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China’s Slashdot-like political forum closed by authorities

Yitahutu (一塌糊涂), a familiar domain name for hundreds of thousands of students, teachers and alumni in Chinese universities, has disappeared from Chinese cyberspace. On September 13, The Beijing Communications Administration issued a notification that Yitahutu (YTHT) BBS is permanently closed. In the meantime, many Chinese BBS sites announced that it is forbidden to discuss YTHT […]

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China uses Taiwan as political tool

This is an OPED piece on Taipei Times. The author Chang Wu-ueh張五岳 wrote: “The most important thing for the Taiwan side to take note of is the gradual democratization in China, concomitant with increasing numbers of people going online — according to statistics, roughly 90 million people in China have access to the Internet — […]

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Jiang Zemin may step aside due poor health

Reuters reported today: “Secrecy shrouded a meeting of China’s Communist Party for a third day on Saturday, but party sources said military chief Jiang Zemin was likely to give up his last post due to ill health, completing a leadership succession. Jiang, 78, has come under increasing pressure in recent weeks to step aside by […]

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Small Cafe Makes World Available On-Line to Remote China

From VOA: “The Internet has become a fact of daily life in so much of the world, that it is easy to forget many people have yet to become familiar with its uses. In rural China, where 70 percent of Chinese people live, many have never used a computer, much less accessed the Internet. Celia […]

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China now largest Saudi oil client

From United Press International: “Saudi Arabia, long the largest supplier of oil to the United States, has cut U.S. sales dramatically and is likely no longer among the top five largest U.S. suppliers. The Saudi kingdom’s new largest customer is China. ‘Saudi sales to the U.S. have fallen off the table,’ James Placke, a senior […]

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