Bill Xia, Dynamic Internet Technology, Inc.
He started with a quick explanation of how the Internet works in China. China has an IP number blacklist – so if your email comes from a black listed IP, it doesn’t get throught. The Chinese government claims it is mainly blocking porn sites, but it doesn’t want people to see uncensored news sites. Websites directed to bogus locations if Chinese users try to access a blocked site. Censorship also exists on the email level, instant message, BBS, chat room, SMS, etc. (words like falun gong, revolution, communist, etc, don’t get through).
To the government, even objectiveness is considered anti-Chinese. There’s a belief that the Internet will destroy traditional culture, replace traditional Chinese characters, and loosen morals (“drink, eat, man, woman”- all is allowed). So the propaganda department works hard to control the minds of public. But the crash of this system is coming.
Blatant lies – illusion becomes unrealistic
SARS, HK anti-subversion law, Taiwan elections (all cracks in “the matrix”)
Life and Death issues, like SARS, push people towards the Internet
Critical Mass: 300-500K regular users