From Nanfang Daily via China Daily:
Cinderella needs more than a pair of glass slippers to net her prince, according to a south China company, which is preparing girls for overnight ascent to richness by getting them ready to marry rich bachelors.
Shenzhen-based Zuanyuan (or diamond affinity) Information Co. (ÈíªÁºò‰ø°ÊÅØÂí®ËØ¢ÊúâÈôêÂÖ¨Âè∏) opened a so-called “diamond lady class” last month, offering 10 courses including image building, household management and perfect manners, according to a report in Nanfang Daily.
The “diamond lady class” costs each program participant 20,000 to 50,000 yuan (2,500 to 6,250 U.S. dollars) and promises to later introduce them to single rich men.
But the training courses seem to have so far failed to stir girls’ hearts. Few have signed up for the program, although the company insisted that hundreds have expressed an interest. [Full Text]
– Also see Chinese story by Nanfang Daily, carried by Xinhua