During today’s protests in Iran, as always, Twitter saw a surge of tweets from protests in Iran giving updates on the latest developments and using Twitter for coordination purposes.
However, this time around, people in China quickly joined Iranians in spreading the word and we witnessed an outpouring of tweets in Chinese reporting on the situation. ‘CN4Iran’ quickly became one of the top ten trending topics on twitter.
The people of China, who like Iranians, live under an oppressive regime are standing in solidarity with freedom fighters of Iran and drawing inspiration from them; one tweet read “Today we free Tehran, tomorrow we take on Beijing”.
Also from Associated Content:
The latest phenomenon on the internet is CN4Iran. (#CN4Iran) CN4Iran is showing up on Tweeter, Facebook, and YouTube as well as other “social media.” The amazing thing is that CN4Iran is coming out of China. China blocks these types of sites and in fact has just redoubled its efforts as reported by “Financial Times.”
Lalate has posted an article on Twitter titled “CN4Iran #CN4Iran on Twitter!”
Apparently CN4Iran was extremely active last night (Saturday) on these sites. However today (Sunday) CN4Iran has been extremely active on Twitter.
What does CN4Iran do?
CN4Iran its own efforts and name as a “symbol of struggles for both Chinese and Iranians.”
CN4Iran included a self-congratulatory post: “#cniran is a trending topic to your right. That’s despite twitter being banned in China. Very nice.”
Real time results of #CN4Iran tweets are here.