Gao Fei

Gao Fei is the pen name of a journalist from China now living and working in the U.S.

China Tries to Keep Growing Economy in Check – Scott McDonald

From AP, via Detroit Free Press: The signs of a surging economy are everywhere: flashy luxury cars, glitzy shopping malls, expensive restaurants and construction cranes in many neighborhoods. For most Chinese, this is a good thing. It means more jobs, higher incomes and rising affluence. But China’s leaders, fearful of accelerating inflation and the risk […]

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China’s truly rich seek expression in autos – Kirby Chien

From Reuters: Beijing’s attempts to cool a raging economy are mostly distant background noise for China’s emerging class of super rich, who are simply looking for ways to express themselves as they gobble up the world’s priciest autos. “The pleasure of waiting to get that unique car tailor-made for them, is the excitement of the […]

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Shanghai’s oldest luxury hotel closed for US$65m makeover – Tan Bee Leng

From Channel News Asia: Shanghai’s oldest luxury hotel, Peace Hotel, has been closed for a US$65m restoration and is expected to reopen in 2010. The century-old hotel may become more luxurious, more sophisticated and definitely more modern after its restoration. But the authentic character of the German suite, where Charlie Chaplin stayed in in 1936, […]

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Huang Yan – Evan Orensten

From Cool Hunting Blog: Huang Yan is a Chinese painter. One of his preferred mediums is the human body, upon which he often paints one of his favorite themes, landscapes, and often as performance art which is then photographed. The artist says that ‘landscape is an abode in which my mortal body can reside, landscape […]

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Looking beyond Beijing – Alex Frew McMillan

Real estate developments expand to China’s “second-tier” cities, from International Herald Tribune: When a group of large institutional property companies gathered for a real estate conference in February, it was no accident that they met in Chongqing rather than Shanghai or Beijing. The topic of the meeting, “Second Tier and Beyond,” has been dominating recent […]

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