Sophia Cao

Sophia Cao is an undergraduate business student at Baruch College in New York. She is interested in Chinese culture and contemporary art, with a particular emphasis on multimedia.

Cantonese hardcore band Say Bok Gwai – Anna Sophie Loewenberg

From Danwei Music: This episode of Danwei Music TV is about Say Bok Gwai (Ê≠ªÁôΩȨº – Die White Devil), San Francisco’s first Chinese American hardcore band to sing in Cantonese. Say Bok Gwai’s original compositions are rooted in American punk/thrash/ hardcore music. The subject matter of their lyrics ranges from Chinese American identity to grappling […]

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China: Lists – John Kennedy

From Global Voices Online: Blogger’s block, we all get it sometimes. Ruthless readers, our editors, don’t have time for excuses. So what’s a blogger to do? Lists! Here are few from the last few days of the Chinese blogsphere, ordered with a certain amount of thematic continuity:… -The internet is now becoming a game between […]

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Shaolin Temple goes commercial – Guo Qiang

From China Daily: Shi Yongxin, the abbot of Shaolin Temple, widely considered the birthplace of Chinese Kung Fu, spends most of his day greeting corporate executives, government officials and friends from all over the world and dealing with dinner invitations and business instead of shepherding all disciples. When Henan officials presented Shi with a spectacular […]

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