intellectual property rights

Huawei Faces New Charges And “Smoking Gun” Report

Two new blows against Chinese network equipment giant Huawei landed this week, in the form of additional U.S. legal charges and reports of “smoking gun” evidence that the company’s products constitute a serious...

Legal Push for Little-Read Books

As the Chinese government announces that it has drafted a new regulation to improve the nation's reading habits, netizens and the media are trying to figure out what makes Chinese people reluctant to read. Lilian Lin at The...

Yu Hua: “Only Proper That My Books Be Pirated”

While he’s “opposed to counterfeiting in all forms,” author Yu Hua claims that he can live with the piracy of his books if it means they end up in the hands of China’s poor. From his guest column in...

John Kerry Calls for Stronger Partnership with China

At his Senate confirmation hearings, John Kerry, who is expected to be confirmed as U.S. Secretary of State, outlined his expectations for the U.S.-China relationship, acknowledging that while problems persist, he hopes to see...

iPad Dispute in China Settled Cheaply

The imbroglio between Apple and Proview in China has been settled with an agreement fee of $60 million, which The Wall Street Journal calls “far short of the as much as $2 billion that a Proview arm had asked for in a U.S....

GE-China Deal: Economic Opportunity Comes With Risks

Cutting edge aviation technology was passed on to China in a deal between GE and the state owned Aviation Industry Corporation of China. The new technology will allow a plane to take off and land regardless of weather...

Cracking Down on Counterfeiting

After a State Council meeting yesterday, it was announced that a national office will be established to oversee the ongoing campaign against the counterfeiting of goods. Xinhua reports: A national office will be established to...

WikiLeaks Cables Detail Apple's Battle With Piracy in China

Some have attributed the success of Apple in China to the difficulty in pirating their products, which makes them all the more desirable among Chinese consumers. Yet diplomatic cables released by Wikileaks show that Apple has...

China’s Fake Apple Stores

An Apple Store in Kunming, Yunnan got international attention when an expatriate blogger became suspicious when three Apple Stores suddenly opened in her neighborhood. After a bit of investigation, it was confirmed that the...

China’s Biggest Search Engine Makes Music Deal

Baidu, China’s largest search engine, has long been criticized for allowing illegal downloads of copyrighted music. Now the company has forged a deal with three of the world’s largest music companies to legally allow...

Chinese Web Search Giant Serves Two Masters

The New York Times describes problems facing Chinese search giant Baidu, including its changing relationship with the authorities following Google’s withdrawal. The company has gained a reputation in the West for censoring...

China Says Piracy Problem Not “Extremely Serious”

China’s Vice Minister of Commerce claims that, following a nine-month crackdown, the country’s piracy problem has been largely resolved. American officials disagree. From Reuters: Marking the end of a nine-month...



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