Word of the Week: River Crab
Editor’s Note: The Word of the Week comes from China Digital Space’s Grass-Mud Horse Lexicon, a...
Mar 21, 2012
Editor’s Note: The Word of the Week comes from China Digital Space’s Grass-Mud Horse Lexicon, a...
Mar 13, 2012
The International Herald Tribune’s Rendezvous blog writes about keyword filtering and netizen lingo in Chinese cyberspace, with examples from CDT’s Grass-Mud Horse Lexicon and the recent study from Carnegie Mellon...
Aug 8, 2011
China Digital Times has added many new entries to the Grass-Mud Horse Lexicon and updated a number of older entries. Take this quiz to see how well you understand the colorful and constantly evolving language of China’s...
Feb 21, 2010
Online lingo about government censorship and political dystopian fiction have become marketing concepts for a mainstream fashion magazine in China. Hong Huang (洪晃), the chief-editor of 《World Metropolitan iLook》magazine, just...
Jan 18, 2010
The Orwellian control efforts of Chinese Internet censors have not only generated an attention-getting pushback from Google, but on the heavily policed Chinese Internet, there are plenty of signs for resistance as well. The...
Nov 25, 2009
On Beijing based XD-Tech company’s website, its case study page includes the following descriptions, translated by CDT: Public Opinion Monitoring and Control System of Public Security Department of Guangdong Province...
Nov 16, 2009
Isabel Hilton writes on the Guardian: The news that the US president, Barack Obama, had called for an end to internet censorship at a meeting with students in Shanghai lasted 27 minutes on the front page of the Chinese portal...
Nov 14, 2009
The upcoming visit of President Obama is a hot topic among Chinese Twitterers. Below are some selected examples, translated by CDT: @kirk1031 The latest instructions from the Ministry of Truth: All websites need to strictly...
Aug 24, 2009
Despite the blocking of Twitter, Chinese politically-active tweeters are still tweeting away. The upcoming 60th anniversary of the PRC is a hot topic. Here are selected tweets on that topic and more, translated by CDT: *...
Aug 16, 2009
Chinese bloggers have been posting the following series of traditional-style paintings of Grass-Mud Horses and River...
May 17, 2009
From Daihua’s Art Space: National emblem of the People’s Republic of the Grass-Mud Horse. (Please see here.) National slogan of the People’s Republic of the Grass-Mud Horse: “No, Flipflop!” (Please...
May 8, 2009
From UC Berkeley Barry Bergman’s post: ‘Soul of the New Machine’ Confab Geared to Human Rights: To illustrate the power of blogging, Xiao Qiang, an adjunct professor at the Graduate School of Journalism and...
Apr 30, 2009
The first law of Chinese cyberpolitics is “Where there are River Crabs, there are Grass-Mud Horses (那里有河蟹,那里就有草泥马).” According to this “Law of the Grass-Mud Horse,” online censorship will always meet...
Apr 29, 2009
The first law of Chinese cyberpolitics is “Where there are River Crabs, there are Grass-Mud Horses (那里有河蟹,那里就有草泥马).” According to this “Law of the Grass-Mud Horse,” online censorship will always face...
Apr 28, 2009
The first law of Chinese cyberpolitics is “Where there are River Crabs, there are Grass-Mud Horses (那里有河蟹,那里就有草泥马).” According to this “Law of the Grass-Mud Horse,” online censorship will always face...
Apr 12, 2009
The 中国观察@无所不坛 blog answers: The Republic of River Crabs. The following images have been created and collected by a Chinese blogger as part of the ongoing drama unfolding between the “Grass Mud Horse” and its...
Apr 8, 2009
On his blog, est electronixtar posted his recent discovery of the Chinese authority’s control over electronic readings. est’s roommate had a strange experience while reading a chm-formatted novel on his computer. In the novel,...
Apr 6, 2009
The following painting and “poem” are posted on many blogs and other social media sites*, such as here, here and here. 阳春三月欲赏花 还须翻墙到邻家 闲来把酒煮河蟹 马勒戈壁草泥马 I want to enjoy the flowers in the beautiful March Must climb...