Search Results for: pollution

Time: China’s New Revolution

Time Magazine has a cover story “China’s New Revolution,” accompanied by several articles and features about China, including: Cover Story: Small World, Big Stakes The U.S. and China are intimately linked–for better or worse. Can we make room for each other? The Last Frontier Almost anything goes these days–but you still can’t oppose the Communist […]

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China’s secret internet police target critics with web of propaganda

By Jonathan Watts in the Guardian (free reg. required): China’s communist authorities have intensified their campaign against the party’s biggest potential enemy – the internet – with the recruitment of a growing army of secret web commentators, sophisticated new monitoring software and a warning that all bloggers and bulletin board operators must register with the […]

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Jonathan Watts: 100 Chinese cities face water crisis, says minister

From Guardian Unlimited: Pollution and consumption of water in China are growing so fast that more than 100 of the country’s biggest cities could soon be unable to quench the thirst of their populations, a cabinet minister warned yesterday. Qiu Baoxing, deputy minister of construction, said urgent action was needed to halt the deterioration of […]

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China’s EPA says polluters must pay

From AP, via the Taipei Times: China’s environmental watchdog has singled out nine major pollution cases involving dozens of companies, and in a rare move has warned local authorities not to interfere. The State Environmental Protection Agency, which has a weak track record on enforcement, named industries operating in 10 regions or cities, mainly involving […]

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Li Fangchao: Urgent need for waste water treatment

From China Daily Online: Only 10 per cent of the waste water in Northeast China’s Heilongjiang Province is being treated because of a lack of processing plants. More than 40 species of fish are said to have disappeared from local rivers in recent years because of the pollution.

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T.J. Zheng: China’s Green Quandary

From the Electronic Buyers News: Supreme leader Deng Xiaoping unleashed the rewards ” and curses ” of capitalism on China more than two decades ago when he declared, “To get rich is glorious.” Today China has opened up its economy in all but the most sensitive areas to reap the benefits of free markets. But […]

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Joe Havely: Rural citizens fighting back

From CNN’s special report Eye on China, an article about rural discontent and the recent riots in Huankantou: The hardships and resentments felt there — against corrupt local officials, pollution, land seizures, and the growing wealth gap between the urban rich and rural poor — are felt by millions of rural Chinese across the country. […]

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Triple Pundit: Chinese Companies Greener than Expected

From the Triple Pundit: According to the World Wildlife Fund, most Chinese companies are more environmentally aware than expected. This is great news given the typically gloomy outlook for China’s pollution problems, and indeed the world’s. The survey also showed that 22 per cent of respondents are implementing tougher environment standards than legally required, with […]

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Yawei Liu: Report on the Dongyang riot

Thanks to Yawei Liu for sending the following information: Collective protest takes place in China regularly but this anti-pollution riot in Dongyang City, Zhejiang Province, is rare and significant in many aspects. First, the...

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