Search Results for: media control

China’s Elusive President – James Reynolds

From BBC News: Chinese President Hu Jintao is one of the most powerful men in the world. He leads more than a billion people, runs the world’s largest army, controls the world’s fourth biggest economy, and, if he wants, he can fire off the first weapons in a global nuclear war.

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Report: China Repression Worsening – Michael Weisskopf

From Time: Next summer’s Olympics will showcase a China of glittering skyscrapers and overstuffed store shelves. But the government responsible for this economic miracle continues to imprison political activists, restrict religious freedom, tightly control the media and Internet, and protect its citizens only haphazardly from pollution and unsafe food and consumer products, a congressional panel […]

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China’s Censorship 2.0 – Rebecca MacKinnon

From RConversation: On a recent trip to Beijing I visited Liu Xiaoyuan, a lawyer who is suing the Chinese web portal and blog-hosting service, Sohu, for censoring several of his blog posts. He wrote about our conversation here. The International Herald Tribune has an Associated Press article about him this week here. Liu argues that […]

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Shanghai: New History, Old Politics РLi Datong (李大同)

From openDemocracy: The seventeenth congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) opens on 15 October 2007. Ahead of this major, five-day event, and in line with China’s media regulations, strict controls are already in place to limit the number of “negative” stories in the news. Under orders from the party’s central propaganda department, chief editors […]

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Provinces Undermine Beijing’s Goals on AIDS – Maureen Fan

The Washington Post looks at how provinces are failing to implement policies set by the central government to help AIDS patients and stem the spread of the disease: They say the gap between Beijing’s official position and the practices of local officials is the result of a political system that makes it difficult to impose […]

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About How Those “Stars Aligned”

China gazers oohed and ahhed last month when five major Communist Party papers ran Sunday editions with nearly identical front pages. Same layout, same photos, same headlines, same sub-headers, and same copy – though...

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China Reports Leap In New HIV/AIDS Cases – Reuters

From Reuters: China reported 18,543 new cases of HIV/AIDS in the first half of this year, state media said, near the number for the whole of 2006. Drug abuse was the main cause of new infections, Xinhua news agency quoted Han Mengjie, an official with AIDS Control Work Committee of the State Council, as saying […]

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New Chinese Rules on Dalai Lama – Michael Bristow

From BBC News: Communist China has introduced new rules that appear aimed at controlling the selection of the next Dalai Lama, Tibetan Buddhism’s spiritual head. Most Tibetans believe that eminent monks, such as the Dalai Lama, are reincarnated after death. China, which governs Tibet, will now have the final say over who can be selected […]

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