Honours for China’s Sars whistle blower

This news is on today’s Straits Times. “The military doctor who blew the whistle on the Chinese government’s cover-up of Sars last year is among this year’s winners of the Ramon Magsaysay Awards, Asia’s equivalent of the Nobel Prize. Dr Jiang Yanyong, who had called for a political reassessment of the 1989 Tiananmen Square incident, […]

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Foreign acquisitions transform China’s Internet industry

Via the International Herald Tribune: Reuters reported that “a recent buying binge by some of the world’s leading Internet companies is rapidly changing China’s online landscape, driving local dot-coms to seek partners or risk being left behind. Foreign companies including Yahoo, eBay, Google and InterActiveCorp, along with some of China’s major players, have spent nearly […]

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Sohu launches new search engine

This is a press release from Sohu.com: “Sohu ……today unveiled its all-inclusive, proprietary search engine under the new brand name SoGou, which means ‘Search Dog’ in Chinese.” “Online search marketing has great growth potential in China. Among the 21.6 million SMEs in China, only about 1.2% have adopted search engines as a marketing method, according […]

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China websites lead way in exposing graft

The Straits Times had an article on emerging online public opinion in China. According to the report, some Chinese websites are “beating other media at reporting corruption, prompting speculation of high-level support.” Click here for the article.

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China to employ high-tech and sex education in war on Internet porn

AFP reported today that ” China plans a multi-pronged approach to its fight against Internet porn, employing both high technology and sex education to stop young people from visiting lewd websites.” It quoted Xinhua’s report: “The government has kicked off a massive campaign to weed out pornography from the country’s rapidly growing Internet, but experts […]

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In China, an Editor Triumphs, and Fails

Philip Pan at Washington Post did a very good job covering the story of Cheng Yizhong, the Southern Metropolis Daily and the “new journalism” in China. “……The newspaper also began to distinguish itself with more critical reporting on such social problems as crime and corruption, causing a sensation, for example, with a report on restaurants […]

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Modern China is facing an ecological crisis

Financial Times (via: geoffmetcalf.com) had an excellent article today on the price of China’s growth. The site needs subscription but here is its main point and some strong quotation from Pan Yue: “Just as in the former Soviet Union, central planning, with its mantra of “produce first, live later” has wreaked untold damage. But in […]

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China shuts down 700 porno Web sites

AP quotes Xinhua’s report for this news article (Via: SilicanValley.com):”Chinese authorities have shut down 700 pornographic Web sites in less than two weeks as part of a massive campaign to clean up the Internet, the official Xinhua News Agency said Tuesday. Citing figures from the Ministry of Public Security, Xinhua said 224 suspects have been […]

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China conducts its first survey on homosexuals and AIDS

AFP reported this positive news on AIDS in China: “An unprecedented survey on homosexuals and homosexual HIV ( news -web sites ) carriers is being carried out in northeastern China, as the country struggles to contain an AIDS ( news -web sites ) explosion. The Heilongjiang province Centre for Disease Control and Prevention ( news […]

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China’s environmental crisis challenge economic progress

Foreign affairs columnist Georgie Anne Geyer wrote an Op/Ed piece on China’s environmental crisis. In the article she wrote: “…this is an enterprising area. In the town center nearby is the brand-new First Aircraft Institute, with first-class apartments for workers and students in the aircraft industry. A large new hotel that rivals any in the […]

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China’s online population soars

Via CNEWS: AP reported here that China’s online population is still expanding drastically. “China’s Internet population grew 28 percent over the past year to 87 million, while use of broadband and online commerce is soaring, according to a government report. China now has 31 million subscribers to broadband high-speed lines, an increase of 79 percent […]

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Chinese media control attacked in letter

This article about Lu Yuegang’s open letter is from Financial Times. Thanks to Peking Duck for blogging it. From Financial Times: “An open letter by Lu Yuegang, veteran reporter at the China Youth Daily, to a senior cadre at its parent Communist party Youth League has drawn widespread attention recently after being posted on the […]

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The Full translation of Lu Yuegang’s Open Letter

The full translation of Lu Yaogang’s open letter (15,000 characters) is here. While the translator, Eswn modestly claim: “in view of the length of the article, my translation here was done quickly and cannot be considered completely accurate (especially the proper names of the individuals and their job titles).” on his/her blog: EastSouthWestNorth, I want […]

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More translation of Lu Yuegang’s open letter

Thanks to David Cowhig for his excellent translation of some parts of the Lu Yuegang’s open letter. David follows the Internet in China and here is his translation of the beginning part of the Lu’s letter: Your Excellency Zhao Yong: We need to have a straightforward discussion. The talk you gave on the afternoon of […]

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