China, Japan Oil War Intensifies

Daily Yomiuri On-Line reports that China recently halted export of oil from its Daqing oilfield to Japan after negotiations failed to renew the contract, effective since 1973. But that is only the tip of the iceberg, an emerging energy war between two of the world’s biggest oil consumers. Read the complete story

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Ministry of Agriculture issues safety certificates for GMOs

From Xinhuanet: “China will make sure the controversial genetically modified (GMO) crops don’t cause negative impacts on the country’s bio-environment, the Ministry of Agriculture said Wednesday. The ministry on Monday awarded its first batch of safety certificates for foreign genetically modified crops used for processing purposes in China, after a two-year period of safety assessments […]

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Criticism by China Raises Questions About Hong Kong Freedom

Here’s one other article I found detailing Beijing’s harsh criticism of opposition leaders in Hong Kong, questioning their eligibility (based on “patriotism”) to hold office in Hong Kong. As the article notes at bottom, these are intimidation tactics reminiscent of China under Mao. Click here for complete article.

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“Patriot” test for Hong Kong

Beijing, through pressure tactics, is signalling its objection to direct elections in Hong Kong scheduled to occur in 2007. This comes in the wake of the 500,000-strong demonstration that occurred on July 1, 2003 when the people of Hong Kong demonstrated against the national security law that was imposed by its highly unpopular chief executive, […]

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China Clamps Down on Web News Discussion

The Los Angeles Times reported today that authorities in China have issued new regulations limiting discussions and postings on online news forums: “The new rules ban independent reporting that hasn’t been approved by the government, discussion of sensitive issues such as economic failures, and Web postings that challenge the Communist Party…Although the government has gone […]

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Chinese president wants more French investment in China

Yahoo Singapore reports on Franco-Chinese deals. “‘The Chinese president made very precise proposals, calling on big businesses to bring smaller enterprises with them to China,’ Loos told journalists. ‘He stressed agriculture, food, environmental protection and all industries linked to infrastructure, with energy, transportation and telecoms being priorities.’” “But China’s poor human rights record has dogged […]

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Infrastructure Construction in China

In this article provided by Development Gateway, a website “from China, about China,” there is a brief history of the infrastructure projects that have been undertaken. Excerpt: “In the 1990s, the construction of infrastructure projects has entered a new stage of rapid and steady development. From 1992 to 1996, the investment in fixed assets has […]

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Careers, life chosen over kids by China’s DINKs

China Daily. Feb.16, 2004 The idea of being a DINK couple, which stands for “double income no kids,” may be common in many nations abroad, but in a country where bearing children to carry on the family line used to be the top concern, it represents a huge shift. For various reasons, more couples are […]

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Emotional abuse plagues families

China Daily. Feb.26, 2004 Some Chinese families are suffering from an increase in emotional abuse, a survey conduced in the southwestern municipality of Chongqing has revealed. The study, conducted by the Chongqing Municipal Women’s Federation, shows that 60 per cent of the complaints received by the federation in the first two months of the year […]

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Unusual way to employment: Lease to a woman

China Daily. Feb.24,2004 A neatly dressed man wearing glasses holds a banner reading “I rent myself to a woman.” The very action soon stirred up the peaceful street in Liuzhou, a city in Southwest China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in the afternoon of Feb. 22. This 29-year-old man said he was willing to provide various […]

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Chinese netizens talking hearts on Internet

China Daily. Feb.24,2004 From Xinhua News Agency. Some 70 percent of Chinese Internet users like chatting on the net with leisure-time hobbies ranking as the No. 1 topic, a recent survey on Chinese cultural websites reveals. Personal affairs, work status, political and academic issues came after as the most popular topics for the netizens, according […]

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Falun Gong practitioners jailed for Internet writing

The official Xinhua news agency reported that five people were sentenced to between 5 and 14 years for “libeling the government” after they distributed news online about abuse of an imprisoned Falun Gong practitioner. The court said that their writing, “severely damaged the regular work of governmental departments and tarnished the images of the government […]

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