From Xinhua News Agency (link):
Production of Zhang Yimou‘s upcoming historical epic The City of Golden Armor(ʪ°ÂüéÂ∞ΩÂ∏¶ÈªÑÈáëÁî≤) just restarted this Monday at Hengdian World Studios.
The full-scale replica of major structures of Beijing’s Forbidden City has been modified to look like a palace from a different time. A giant courtyard have been filled with about 250000 fake chrysanthemum flowers.
Chow Yun-Fat and Gong Li, who are playing the emperor and the empress, have shown up on May 10th to rehearse the scene of some ceremony. The same courtyard will also host a battle scene between soldiers of two princes, played by Liu Ye and Jay Chow.
See also “Zhang Invites Hollywood to his City of Golden Armor” by Cinematical; – “Zhang Yimou says his latest production will not affect Olympic plans” by People’s Daily Online; – “‘Golden Armor’ feeding off ‘Banquet’?” by Shenzhen Daily